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Tuesday, 11 October 2022

The Strange Niagra Falls Encounter of January, 1958

 I have a copy of Binder's Flying Saucers Are Watching Us and I will need to check it to see whether there is any reference to this report. Vallee quotes Binder's syndicated cartoon series which is not acceptable as a source. In fact, I can find no references to this report in the literature and that includes the Lorenzens' Flying Saucer Occupants.

Vallee and his poor recording of sources as well as inclusion of alleged reports he never seems to check the credibility of or sources is one of the biggest problems I have with his work. It is shoddy and completely unscientific and puts his books into the "pot boiler" style category.

Nr Niagra Falls, NY State

January 1958

Passport To Magonia, Vallee pp. 15-16

citing Otto Binder's ("Otto Bell") Cartoon series Our Space Age (syndicated feature)

The observer, Mrs D, was trying to find an exit off the highway in poor visibility. Her account reads:

"A large shape was visible, and a slim rod at least fifty feet high was illuminated and getting shorter as if sinking into the ground. My motor slowed down and as I came closer my car stopped completely. I became panicky and tried desperately to try and restart it as I had no lights.  My first thought was to get out and see what was happening but I suddenly saw two shapes, rising around the slim pole which was still growing shorter. They were suspended but moving about it.  They seemed to be like animals with four legs and a tail but two front feelers under the head, like arms. Then, before I could even gasp the things disappeared and the shape rose and I then realised it was a saucer, it spun and zoomed about 10 feet (3m) off the ground and up into the air and I couldn't see where it went.

"My (car) lights suddenly came on. I started the car and it was alright. I pulled up to the place, got out with a flashlight and walked over to where it had been sitting. A large hole was melted in the snow about a foot (30cm) across the grass and was snowing on it. The grass was warm but nothing was dug up around there."

Above: not the most credible of sources.  If anyone has the actual piece that Vallee quoted from please let me know.

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