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Friday, 14 October 2022

Hello -Site Intro


The purpose of this site is simple. In 1974 I started collecting notes on what Prof. Hynek had categorised as Close Encounters of the Third Kind. At the same time I noted reports where no object (UFO) was observed -Alien Entity cases.  By 1976 I was pestering British Ufology -BUFORA, Contact UK, etc. to start paying more attention to cases of what I termed Time Loss. This was something I gave talks on and often thought I was wasting my time since groups such as the British Flying Saucer Bureau were not reall interested in anything if it had not involved George Adamski, Venusians et al

At one point I was told that "looking at these silly reports will only hinder you in this field!"

So I set up the Close Encounters of the Third Kind Project -later changed to Close Encounters of the Third Kind/Alien Entities Study Project.  In a couple years I will have been looking into these reports for 50 years -which is scarier than an alien encounter.

I review new or old books on the subject as I get them -or as they are sent to ne. I include case reports as well as any videos on CE3K/AE related cases. I also share some of my views and these can expand on the books I have written on the subject. I began by including some reports in general mystery books -Some Things Strange & Sinister and Some More Things Strange & Sinister before dedicating four books specifically on this aspect of Ufology: UFO Contact?, Unidentified -Identified Contact! and Beyond UFO Contact (and one I am planning).

As far as most people and Ufologists are concerned there are only "The Classics" -Betty and Barney Hill and Travis Walton. The Antonio Villas Boas case is generally ignored and mainly because it is not from the United States.  With my books only the first looked at the Classics but also looked at cases that probably 90% of Ufologists have never heard of and many were translated from foreign languages into English for the first time. With Contact! I looked at cases previously untranslated which was months of work. These were cases most English speaking Ufologists had never heard of.

The aim of this blog is to show that there are very interesting cases from around the world even if no 100% physical evidence exists. There are plenty of posts on "Greys" so I think it is time Ufology pushed that aside along with the "alien hunters" and others who have distracted serious research for three decades.

No sensationalism here. Look at the subject and how can you get any more sensational than that? I have my own views on UFO origins are private and I am not here to preach them to people. I am interested in the data -the cases and what we can learn.

I would like to hear from people who can add to the CE3K/AE data base as well as people who may have had encounters or links to people claiming to have had encounters.

Basically this is a site where you can learn as well as watch the odd video on the subject. There are also bios on people who were the founders of CE3K research -0Budd Hopkins, David F Webb, Walter N Webb, James and Coral Lorenzen, Ted Bloecher and Ivan T. Sanderson (who was one of the first Flatwoods investigators) and John A Keel who, whatever you may think of his work, got people to expand their minds and how they looked at cases.

The blog list also includes organisations, etc, that may be of interest. I can be messaged via the Face Book CE3K/AE page or at and please use the post subject "CE3K" so any email avoids the spam filter.

That's it. So, welcome to the blog and you will find enough to keep you thinking...I hope!

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