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Thursday, 20 October 2022

Summer 1954, St. Priest-Taurion, Haute-Vienne, France, Marie-Louis M.

illustration from cover of Lumieres dans la Nuit

 In 1980, ufologist Gilles Magne published his report on an observation in France, in the west of the village of Basse-Gorce. The witness was Mdme. Marie-Louise M., born in 1897 and deceased in 1977.

In the summer of 1954, in good weather and with a clear sky,  between 12:30 and 13:00, the observer made her daily walk which was necessary following a hemiplegy attack that struck her three years earlier. Despite the partial paralysis on her right side left side was able to move normally and allowed her to make daily walks of 4 to 5 kilometers.

Mdme. M was on a dirt track less than 500 meters from her house, near the Croze small-holding, at the level of an hedge and in view of the cross roads of Mazeau and Croze, when she suddenly saw a flattened half-spherical object, very shiny and hovering at the far end of a row of spruce trees and a meadow.

Astonished by what she saw, Mdme. M described the scene to her mother after returning home.  She noted that the object was a thing of flattened form, but round, "lenticular", and very brilliant, but which nevertheless had a red dominant color with orange and yellow: the colours being spread out in juxtaposed stripes. She repeated this description often to Gilles Magne later.

The object did not touch the ground itself but rested on a kind of tripod. It could have been 1 meter to 1 meter 50 above the ground, near the first branches of the fir trees, its size being comparable with that of a large car. It was about fifty meters distant from Marie-Louise M.

While looking at the object she also observed two entities that appeared to be busy collecting something from the surrounding meadow (samples?). Amazed, she did not move from the edge of the pathway and it does not seem that the entities noticed her.

Questioned more in detail on these "beings", she always stated that they were very small, of 1 meter or less in height and with a very bulky head and of grey metal colour; the investigator could not determine whether this was because the entities wore helmets or not.

After a few minutes the entities, who seemed to be carrying vegetation samples,  went under the UFO. The object then rose while "shaking" until arriving at the top of the spruces and then left at a very fast speed without making a sound.

It is said that Mdme. M did not have the curiosity to approach the landing spot and so no details were known about any possible tripod markings in the ground or evidence of the entities activities.

One has to wonder whether, since the observer was said to have been amazed at what she saw, it was not lack of curiosity but the fact that she was semi paralysed on one side of her body so not up to clambering over a meadow or, if she had to, retreat quickly.

This is a rather mundane and non-sensationalist report. There was no seeking publicity and apparently the story was constant and did not change, as you might expect if fabricated. In these cases we have to ask whether we accept the accounts based on so little information. The thing is that this kind of report was (is?) common. A landed UFO seen, entities gathering samples (we assume) then re-entering the UFO which takes off. No one grabbed and dragged screaming for an examination aboard a UFO.

The investigator met the woman several times and if he came away with no doubts about her account then...genuine?

"Rencontre rapprochée de type 3 en été 1954, Haute-Vienne", investigation report by Gilles Magne, in the ufology magazine Lumières Dans La Nuit (LDLN), France, #196, pp 26-27, June / July 1980.

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