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Friday, 7 October 2022

Dr. John E. Mack visits UFO contactee Carlos Diaz and interviews his son... plus comments

I have always held Dr Mack above and away from Hopkins and Jacobs when it comes to abduction reports. I watched this video and for the second time in a week my heart sank.

I have been reappraising certain researchers and stumbled upon a couple items making me question Mack's approach and whether he had an agenda of some kind. Diaz (below) was recognised as a hoaxster fairly early on and Mack's claim that Diaz made no financial gain from his claims (books etc) could easily be challenged.

That the "craft" he photographed resembled a very local type of glass lamp (below) only adds to the hoax claim.

Above the local glassware and below an alien space craft. Honest -look iut even has a light beam coming from it and not a support you debunkers!!!

That Mack considered Diaz to be genuine and his well schooled on the subject sons to also be supporting their dad and truthful..Mack's credibility as someone investigating accounts takes a nose dive.

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