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Saturday, 29 October 2022

It's Expensive Being An Archivist-Researcher

 I have now, at 1930hrs stopped copying for today.

I have gone through all the Flying Saucer review volumes I have and copied all of the CE3K/AE reports for the archive.
I have gone through three quarters of a ream of paper so 250+pp and I had to carry out FIVE cartridge refills -if I had bought new that alone would have been £130+
Luckily the plastic page sleeves arrived today so now comes that terror of a couple hundred plastic wrapped pages wanting to slide all over the place. Plastic sleeves 300 for £10 So updating the archive has just cost £140+ ($140)
Oh, some countries will require...folders!!
You can see why I want to finish all of this by Christmas!
I thought seriously about this overnight and there is absolutely no way that I can scan thousands of pages so that copies can be sent to CUFOS, AFU... hard copy archive will have to find a British home. Same applies to all the other files.
Now... how do I make money out of this??

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