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Thursday, 25 August 2022

20th July 1966 Isle of Wight -What Happened on the Isle of Wight

 I have made it very clear that after over four decades of research and investigation I do not believe UFO abduction incidents are as common as popular Ufology wants us to believe. It is a pop culture phenomenon that is a good financial earner for many unscrupulous people.

There are, however, cases where there is evidence that "something" happened that was neither altered state or misidentification based. John Hanson has, with his Haunted Skies series unearthed a number of previously unknown cases. There are cases that were reported on at the time but as the (despite what debunkers claim) Betty and Barney Hill case was little known.

There are problems in shouting out "You may have been abducted!" and telling someone they need to undergo hypnotic regression; if they have undergone an experience that is suppressed in their memory and , perhaps,  had the odd dream but decide decades later to undergo hypnosis -tainted memory. We have had three or more decades of TV, newspaper, magazine articles about the subject that can seep into accounts.

The other factor, which is why I decided not to suggest (non hypnotic)  ways to recover partial memories is this: If the person involved underwent what would be a world view shattering experience and they have suppressed the memory and led normal lives why press them to try to find out what happened?  Why open up a whole can of worms just to see what happened because then they will need to live with that and although I can talk to these people to help in some way what might be unearthed could well require years of therapy. I am not a qualified psychologist and I am not interested in just collecting accounts to earn money from them.

Time and again I have made it clear that these are human being not cash cows

reference: John Hanson Haunted Skies Vol. 3  pp  65-66

 Isle of Wight couple, Miss Angela L. Cotton, and her boyfriend, at the time, John, were seated in a car on the Blackgang side of the Landslip car park, at 21:30 hours on the 20th July, 1966. Angela had the odd sense that something or someone was close by and watching them and looking out of the window, they both saw a yellow glow over towards the hills that was blocking their view of the sea.

Blackgang Chine, The Undercliff 1913

   Both were curious and so they wound down the car window and were almost immediately aware of a vibrating sound, apparently coming from the direction where the glow was situated. John decided they should return home and so they set off along the country lane that led onto the main road.  It was now that something unusual took place. According to Angela:

   “Suddenly, ‘John’ doubled over the steering wheel, clutching his stomach. He gripped his right arm on the inside of the elbow joint and his foot began to slip off the accelerator.  His face went white, almost blue.  I told him to put his foot back and I would steer the car to the main road, which I did. After arriving home, ‘John’, told me he felt as if his stomach had been gripped in a vice and rolled up his right sleeve.  On the inside of the elbow joint, there was a mark, like a bruise, about the size of a penny, showing numerous holes, like the punctures made by a test vaccine. The next day, he told he had similar marks on his stomach. By the weekend, these marks had gone.”

   The following day the couple drove back to the Blackgang side of the Landslip and noticed what looked like a furrow on the side of the hill, almost as if the earth had been scooped out of the ground.  They made their way there on foot and they examined the area. Angela noted “It looked as if something had been rubbing against the earth to produce the effect, like a large wheel, some six feet in partial radius. The earth around the edges of this furrow was very dry and the grass around the edges was not charred, but brown, as if heat had been applied. I don’t know what the ‘glow’ was.

   “It certainly wasn’t the beam of St Catherine’s Lighthouse, or the sunset. I can’t explain what happened”.

   John traced Angela now living in the United States in 2007 and spoke to her about the 1966 incident.  She told John:

   “I have never forgotten the incident you mentioned, as it is one of the few moments in my life for which I could ‘kick myself’ for not having the courage to walk to the edge of Sugar Lump Hill, (as it was known then), and look down at the source of the light seen.  If I had seen what was causing the light, I would have perhaps known what caused the scuff marks on the side of the hill that we viewed, the following evening, from the opposite side of the Landslip.

   In answer to John’s questions about the discovery of the mysterious strange marks found on her boyfriend’s stomach, she replied, “They looked like weal marks.  I have no idea what caused them, although I do wonder if some form of hysteria could have induced them to occur, rather than through physical assault.”

Blackgang Cliffs c 1960

   It would be odd to just see a light and feel the vibrations and decide to drive away and then get some form of psychosomatic reaction.  Of course Ufologists will ask the questions about time to ascertain whether there was any missing time or deeper encounter. But this case was reported back in 1966 and the UFO world was so much more different than today It is probably likely that John was ill, perhaps the “weals” were psychosomatic or an allergic reaction to something –perhaps a food or other severe allergy.

   Fred Smith, of the Isle of Wight UFO Society –at that time literally a national UFO reporting centre- is John’s source along with the IWUFOS publication UFOLOG. If John Hanson can track down a UFO witness from 1966 it leaves no excuses when it comes to looking into old cases for evidence.

   In a way John and Angela were lucky because in 2018 they would probably be told that they might have been abducted.  There is another case from the 1960s that was reported on –is still referred to- but appears never to have been thoroughly investigated: Felixstowe.

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