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Saturday, 13 August 2022

Close Encounters of the Third Kind -UFO Abductions: Imaginary or Real -and what is "Real"?

 I have now looked at three books -two dealing with alleged alien abductions and one looking at life on Earth and (possibly) in space. To be honest the two abduction books were a disappointment to me as I would like to hear of confirmation of incidents from a third party -say a farmer in his field observing "A goddang weird light" above and following a car (with claimed abductees within).

Confessions was a major disappointment in that the authors are firmly embedded within Ufology and yet their accounts can be easily dismissed with just a cursory read. There is absolutely nothing that backs up anything they claim and although I have no doubt that they believe (one has doubts) what they are saying it does not make it actually real life real and in one case the incidents are recounted as dreams. What the book does is seem to discredit the men's work within Ufology as we cannot 100% guarantee that all they claim is real.

Incident At Devil's Den was another disappointment. From his interviews as well as writing I quite like Terry Lovelace.  However, there is absolutely not one shred of evidence (even anecdotal) that supports what he says -please read the review.

When you hear the "tell-tale signs" of alien abduction you realise that almost anyone can be an abductee. Doesn't sleep much, wakes at specific times (that is a well known phenomena and nothing to do with aliens), misplaces things, has a scar or similar they cannot recall and has seen UFOs, keeps the light on at night etc.. Right, even as a baby I was infamous for not sleeping and it is a habit I carry on with to this day. I have seen "UFOs" on 5 occasions and there was no missing time and the "UFOs" were what I term UNP (a natural phenomenon -if the 1984 UFO Report is ever published it will explain a lot).

Here was one incident from the late 1970s. I was packing late on a hot summers evening. It was in fact about 2300 hrs. The windows were open as it was warm. I then saw a large, golden coloured object pass over the gardens of the houses opposite (ie that block's gardens area surrounded by houses) and I had my camera on the desk next to me so keeping my eye on this object (20 feet 6m) above the ground I reached back to feel my camera BUT I knocked it over so took my eyes off the object as I tried to stop my camera hitting the floor. Looking back this large object was gone. 

Years later an associate was discussing photographing UFOs and I told him my story. "Oh my god -that could have been a time loss incident!" he gasped (its what we called Missing Time events in those days). I looked back at him and told him it was not. So he asked how I could be sure as "they mess with your memory". My reply was simple and got the weirdest stare in response: "Because the fella dodged the bazooka" -I had been watching a movie when the object was first seen and a fella was loading a bazooka and looking at the intended target and I saw what the time was by the clock atop the TV. As I tried to grab my camera then look back the object was gone and the bazooka was being fired. So I know the sighting lasted about 60 seconds. 

On every occasion that I have observed a phenomenon I check the time and observe other things so unless it was 2300hrs when I saw an object and then looked at my watch and it was 0200hrs then I could account for every second.  Unlike what Dr Jacobs says "If you see a UFO you WERE abducted!!"  the opposite is true. Discredited researchers should be paid no heed.

There is something else that is common if you start to look into CE3K/AE reports the dream. Back in the 1970s I was typing up or handwriting out every CE3K/AE report I could find and one night I had a dream that I was in an old brick building in a field with only one window looking out -possibly an old changing room or other park facility that were common back then. I saw a UFO land and short humanoids emerge and move around. Very vivid dream. Someone wanted to get involved in the work so I warned him that he would be reading some weird stuff but he was enthusiastic. A couple weeks later he opted out because he had the dream. "It's too weird for me" was his final remark.

Let me put that into perspective. At one point after leaving school I worked at Frost and Reed print makers and it involved 0800-1700 hrs (with an hour long break) rolling art prints and inserting them into card tubes then wrapping. Monotonous. One night I had a dream of having to do this same work over and over again and next day in work a young fella who had started the same time as me blurted out that he had the same dream. He stared as I laughed out loud.   

When I took on another job it involved packing, sealing then binding up cardboard boxes of all sizes and weights 0830-1800 hrs daily and I had a vivid dream of doing this and then told a co-worker about this and he laughed and told me "We all get that. Its the job, mate. You do this 7-8 hours a day it's in your head!"  One thing to note is that time often passed very quickly with these jobs; one day I started after lunch at 1300hrs and I looked up -1600 hrs. Now, missing time? Was I abducted by boxes? Were all the people I worked with cardboard box abductees?

One thing I noted is that the monotonous work was carried out almost on automatic and one day I asked the woman packing next to me about a label and got no response. Her eyes were staring straight ahead and glazed so I tapped her on the shoulder and she almost jumped the exaggerated mile. "Oh my god I was gone then. I was back on my holiday in Truro!" A great many Entity cases involve people carrying out monotonous tasks around the house or at work and ....they fall into an altered state. They swear blind they have no idea how time passed yet they are seen throughout the "missing time" by co-workers.

Gaynor Sunderland is a text book example of altered state encounters.

At one point I began to question myself as to whether I was debunking. Of course I was not. I followed the evidence even if anecdotal and if you have read any of my books you will know I am not a debunker: I am a sceptic who follows the evidence and, shockingly for me, my attempts to show these accounts were all hog-wash failed. Many cases do not make it past scrutiny but others did.

"I did some psychology" does not make you a psychologist. "Hey -that's the Moon up there!" does NOT make you an astronomer. I have packed so much into this subject for over four decades because I believe that the study of these cases will tell us far more than any UFO report or UFO photo.

But you have to push the imaginary and hoaxes as well as misindentified to one side to get to the truth.

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