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Friday, 12 August 2022

Confession: Our Hidden Alien Encounters Revealed

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Independently published (30 Oct. 2019)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 316 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1695688856
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1695688858
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 15.24 x 1.83 x 22.86 cm

 The cover blurb:

"Two well-known figures in Ufology—UFOs and Nukes researcher Robert Hastings and military whistleblower Dr. Bob Jacobs—divulge their long-hidden status as experiencers. Although Hastings’ well-respected work involves investigating still-classified UFO incursions at American nuclear weapons sites and Jacobs is best known for participating in one of the key cases, each has privately endured a number of strange encounters with paranormal, UFO-related phenomena. Concerned that an open admission of this fact would negatively impact their reputations as reliable sources for military-related UFO information, both remained silent about their sometimes terrifying experiences for decades. Now, however, they believe that they must go public with the truth.

Over time, Hastings and Jacobs have focused on securing and publicizing UFO data kept secret by the U.S. Air Force. But when the bizarre and disturbing incidents began to occur years ago, seemingly involving interactions with non-human entities, they were forced to confront the UFO subject on a much more personal level. Apparent abductions, bedroom visitations, and other, related events have taken place on an ongoing basis. While the authors do not pretend to understand the situation or the reasons for their involvement in it, they are convinced of the physical reality of their encounters.

Just as they have diligently striven to inform the public in the past, regarding the extremely sensitive and perhaps ominous nuclear weapons-related UFO incidents, Hastings and Jacobs now feel obligated to divulge “the rest of the story.” Although the subject of alien abduction is widely considered to be taboo, even among many UFO proponents, in this book the authors nevertheless acquaint the reader with their travels through a very strange and startling landscape.

Following the December 16, 2017 exposé in The New York Times that revealed the existence of a secret Pentagon UFO study known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), three persons associated with the project have publicly discussed the link between UFOs and nuclear weapons—former U.S. Senator Harry Reid, former program director Luis Elizondo, and physicist Dr. Hal Puthoff.

Consequently, the public now knows that the UFO-Nukes Connection, researched and publicized by Robert Hastings since the 1970s, actually exists and is considered to be a U.S. national security matter. Co-author Dr. Bob Jacobs was involved in the still-Top Secret Big Sur Incident of September 1964, when a UFO was inadvertently captured on motion picture film as it maneuvered near a dummy nuclear warhead in flight, before shooting it down with beams of light! Debunkers have unsuccessfully attempted to discredit this amazing case by misstating the evidence and ignoring the testimony of another former U.S. Air Force officer who confirms that it occurred. This book presents the facts, not only about the Big Sur event but other documented incidents of UFOs intercepting missiles in flight.

But the essence of CONFESSION concerns the unexpected and unsought appearance of alien-related phenomena in the authors’ lives. These encounters with the unknown have been an integral part of Hastings’ and Jacobs’ overall UFO experience and have perhaps acted as the principal catalyst for their longstanding compulsion to investigate and publicize the reality of UFOs and the entities who operate them."

In fact I would argue that this book only reveals what has been written about AEs and UFOs for the last 30+ years and there is much of the book taken up with biographical chapters on and by each author and even more about the Big Sur "UYFO-shot-down-a-missile" incident which we have one man's word on. 

In fact, if you bought this book to read about abduction experiences of both men then you were probably disappointed. I was. When the late Dr Leir and his "alien implant" work (discredited) and Budd Hopkins and his work (mostly discredited) and Jacobs abduction work  (now mostly become discredited) and so on you realise that there are going to be problems. Yes, I was a big supporter of Hopkins and Jacobs with their early work but unlike most "pop UFO abduction" folk I checked and then withdrew support.

I was really (obviously) interested in their abduction accounts.  Robert Hastings' account was a classic text book piece. Paranoia, having lucid dreams/altered state when younger  and scrambling and grabbing at every little thing to find a connection and in one case when recounting a possible missing time event the other person in the car stated "your interpretation" re the event. In fact, this goes on throughout and he even tries to suggest possible generational abduction. "Something odd" stopped him taking a photo of a UFO and yet others in the area took video footage, etc. It just does not make logical sense.

Another text book feature of these reports is that he read Hopkins then Streiber and "the penny dropped" -he was an abductee!  In fact he was so sure that he underwent regression hypnosis in 1992. Left it then underwent hypnosis again with another hypnotherapist in 1995. Then, in 2003 he was put under by Dr R. Leo Sprinkle and yet we learn not a lot. In fact, I was struggling to keep interested as everything was connected and even dreams proved that he was an abductee and the only confirmation -not really- was what might have been someone else's dream (they actually stated it was a dream and that they had to stop hanging about "with you UFO kooks").

I have explained Ruth Syndrome in my books (particularly UFO Contact?) and Hasting's does appear to be prone to this. It has been known under various names for decades. It is not a mental disorder and in fact we do not really know how the human mind does this but, to the percipient, it is as real as being punched in the face and I have investigated such cases over the last 40+ years.

Hastings is an abductee but NOT an abductee.

When it comes to Jacobs there may be a lesser form of Ruth Syndrome.  Everything comes down to there being so many "significant" events and dreams that amount to nothing. No evidence. In fact he states that he is still unsure in his own mind about things.

These are two classic cases and I think the first where someone got into a subject and suddenly realised that they were an abductee was Dr Karla Turner. Her case matches every aspect of Ruth Syndrome and to her the events WERE real but they were not in our reality and this is why so many abduction reports have led to nothing but more fantasy -the Greys are in charge no the Mantis folk but really the reptileans or....

The one case I wanted to read about was that of Mario Wood who was allegedly abducted near a nuclear missile silo in 1977 and watching him recount his story you can see that he is shaken up. The memory still affects him. However, there is not one corroborating piece of evidence or testimony even after all of these years.  There are aspects that interest me in that Woods may have initiated events that night via light signalling a UFO. However, the fact remains we have a one person account and that means Wood may well be genuine but have Ruth Syndrome -all the features are again present (I give examples as well as full an explanation as possible in UFO Contact? and it would take up too much time here).

For me the book is added to the classic UFO abduction syndrome list along with Karla Turners books.

For me the book was disappointing in one sense but in another it confirmed everything I have written about before. It shows why, even if they seem genuine, single person UFO abductions can only be noted if no form of corroboration is found.

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