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Tuesday, 9 August 2022

The Stanford, Kentucky alien abductions, January 6, 1976

In case you wonder who Lydia Morel (the narrator) is here is an item from The Black Vault 

Case Summary

The following was written by Loy Lawhorn.

Lyndia Morel, a masseuse at the Swedish Sauna in Manchester, New Hampshire, signed out from work at 2:45 A.M. on Friday morning, November 2, 1973. She stopped and had coffee with a friend, then stopped for gas and then headed for home in nearby Goffstown, about eight miles west of Manchester.

As she reached the outskirts of Manchester on highway 114, she noticed a bright light in the sky. At first it was yellow, but then it flashed red and blue and green colors. She thought that was a bit odd, but she drove on, thinking it to be a planet. After driving about a mile, she noticed that it stayed in the same place in relation to her field of vision, but that it seemed to be getting brighter.

As Lydia neared the intersection of highways 114 and 114A, she lit a cigarette. As she did, the light blinked out, but reappeared after she had gone though the intersection.

It reappeared in the same spot, ahead and to the left of her. As she drove on to Goffstown and into the city, the light vanished and then reappeared twice more, seeming to be a little brighter each time.

After she drove though Goffstown on highway 114, she was surprised to see the light reappear again, straight ahead of her, even brighter and closer than before. So much closer, in fact, that she could make out details. She could see that it was an orange and gold globe covered with hexagons like a honeycomb, with an oval window on the upper left. The red, green, and blue flashes were coming from somewhere near the center of the object, and she could hear a high-pitched sound.

Lyndia later reported that she suddenly found that she was unable to remove her hands from the car’s steering wheel. She felt that the object was taking control of her and the car and pulling them to itself. The speed of her car was increasing against her will as she passed Westlawn Cemetery.

The object grew closer and closer. When it was only a few hundred feet away, Lyndia could see a figure in the window. She saw what she described as a smallish humanoid figure standing behind a console of some sort. The figure had a round, grayish head, a wrinkled face, a down turned slit of a mouth, and two large eyes with dark pupils. She felt that he was sending her a telepathic message to be unafraid.

If she was, the message did not work, because Lyndia was terrified. Somehow, she was able to slow the car and turn into the driveway of a house just past the cemetery. She jumped out of the car and ran to the kitchen door of the house, ignoring a German shepherd dog that growled and barked at her. She pounded on the door and rang the bell and yelled for help as the UFO moved to a position across the street, hovering and watching her, still emitting that high-pitched sound.

Finally, the residents, Mr. And Mrs. Beaudoin, came to the door. They opened the door to a terrified woman who was covering her ears and claiming that a UFO was after her. The Beaudoins could not see or hear anything, but Mrs. Beaudoin called the police.

When Goffstown Officer Daniel Jubinville arrived, he found Lyndia’s car in the driveway with the lights on and the motor still running. He went in and listened to Lyndia’s story, noting in his report that she did not appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

As Walter Webb has noted, the planet Mars was near its brightest and was in the Western part of the sky where Lyndia saw the object. However, that does not explain the other events that she claimed occurred.

Note also that this sighting occurred only about 100 miles from the site of the 1961 Betty & Barney Hill abduction event.

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Intelligent life may be more common than we thought