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Friday, 26 August 2022

Let Me Ask YOU A Question

 It's a simple question: why are you visiting this page?

I ask because, since I set up this blog in 2018 to specifically focus on Close Encounters of the Third Kind/Alien Entity reports I have posted over 400 items and there have been almost 9000 views. However, only one comment.

I closed (paused) the Face Book group on this subject and no longer update the Anomalous Observational Phenomena blog nor its FB counterpart because after almost 20 years -nothing. No comments on posts, no "Have you heard of this report?" or any kind of feedback.

There are specialist books I have written and published on this subject (and others) but no one buys. These books offer never before seen photos and a lot more but not the slightest interest -even the Pentagon has copies but that's it.

I do know that there are a lot of plagiarists out there who steal original posts or information and use it as their own -no credit given to me or the blog. Those info thieves get lots of feedback.

So I am in the position where I have to decide whether this blog is worth maintaining. Writing posts and gathering the information takes time and so far all I have learnt is that I may as well just keep it locked away in my files.

If there is no feedback then this time next week there will be no blog. Less work for me and the info thieves (I include the copyright thieves who use my original illustrations without credit or permission) will have to go back to copying and pasting from dubious sites that fake a lot of information.

To start things off I am deleting posts (some of these have already been copied by others).

I gave it my best shot but if all you want is the same stale old internet crap then...You Tube awaits you.

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