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Sunday, 13 November 2022

"And then we have the little guys -what's that all about?" A Brief Answer For "Veteran Ufologists"

 It seems that again and again I hear Ufologists state: "And then we have the little guys -what's that all about?"  On hearing this I want to whack themn over the head with C.D. B. Bryan's Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind book (it's hefty).

I have said and written this so many times before but, if you are a "35 year veteran Ufologist" what the actual f have you been doing in over three decades? Watching You Tube videos? Putting your backside on a chair at talks? Chasing after a dot of light in the night sky to "break the case wide open"?  Seriously, you are not that bright and I am guessing that all of those UFO books they claim to own either do not or are just put on to bookshelves to look impressive.

 "And then we have the little guys -what's that all about?" just...well, after 50 years of looking into these reports and having a book shelf of well thumbed as well as annotated books on the subject I bang my head on the table (my doctor says that I should not do this but what the heck). What exactly have these Ufologists been reading about -the latest MUFON scandal? US government disinformation campaigns?

Hynek dealt with CE3Ks in his The UFO Experience as well as The Hynek UFO Report. Then we have a slew of books by the Lorenzens who specialised in looking into such accounts and reported on them in The Humanoids, ed. by C. Bowen; Flying Saucer Occupants, UFOs Over the Americas, Abducted, etc., etc.. The High Priests of Abduction also wrote books, were featured in magazine and newspaper articles as well as TV shows and documentaries. Even Otto O. Binder's rather alien sex obsessed Flying saucers Are Watching Us dealt with the subject.

John Keel -he wrote on these cases.

Jacques Vallee wrote about these cases.

MUFON Journal, Flying Saucer Review, APRO Bulletin and many others carried reports on these cases.

I could give a whole reading list of books from 1965-2021 dealing with the subject. The above are all just basic reading. Buy my books and get an education and ignore Hopkins, Jacobs and Mack.

The statement also shows that the subject has been treated with little interest over the decades; 1964 no one could be bother visiting the Reeves farm, in 1973 UFO investigators, even when asked, refused to contact the Euporia witnesses who were black. I could provide a very long list of CE3K reports from the United States that no one bothered looking into -it is okay, though as the Ufologistsd have the newsclipping!

Firstly, it was not all "little guys" -yes, the most common type of entity reported was short -up to 5 feet tall (1.5m) and had oversized heads with largish eyes and were spindly. NOT "Greys" think more the end of the 1977 movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind

The above looks about right but there were subtle differences as not all had the very  long fingers we saw in Spielberg's movie. This was the type of entity seen during the alleged abduction of the Hills, Walton and Moody. The head below is about right (we are going by percipient verbal reports not photos here).

The full figure below is correct with clothing being described as tight grey, white, black and silver in colour. This is a costume and the eyes would have been normal in appearance but large.

The movie itself has been seen by millions since 1977 with images appearing in books, magazines, newspapers as well as merchandise and unlike in the UK other countries, particularly the United States show it regularly on TV.

If you look at the TV movie based on the Hills encounter, The UFO Incident (1975) the budget was not great but the masks worn to represent the aliens is spot on -false Ufology has tried to reboot this as involving "The Greys" when it did not).

Above: The Hills (the great James Earl Jones as Barney and Estelle Parsons as Betty) being "abducted" The UFO Incident (1975)

Below: Betty (Estelle Parsons) interacts with the alien crew.  The UFO Incident (1975)

There is one morte thing that it seems no one in Ufology noted: there was a very tall spindly alien at the end of the Spielberg that many viewers felt "creeped out" over. And, introduced the Greys to us (well, one of the Grey types)...

Above and below images that were probably embedded in minds from an early age and may -may- have sparked many accounts of Greys under hypnosis. From Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)

Those were "The Small Guys". Also noted were far more human looking entities who varied in height from 5 feet to 6 feey plus (1.5 -1.8m). Again, clothing varied from coverall type with uncovered head or helmeted/masked head. These entities often elicited the response from observers that "Wearing normal clothes I wouldn't look at them twice on a crowded street".

It was suggested that the third most commonly reported entity type was the hairy, bellicose dwarf.  However, there were not that many cases of these and some still suggest that they may belong to the "mystery hairy hominid" subject but they tend not to have much knowledge of the cases.

There are slight variations in both the more human and "small guys" and in some cases we can tell the entities were humanoid but their faces were concealed behind masks/breathing apparatus(?). The Bibendum (Michelin Man) types tend to wear helmets and I discussed these at length in my book Contact! Encounters With Extra Terrestrial Entities?

Yes, there are other such as those seen at Pascagoula, Mississippi in 1973. In fact over that short period there were several other reports that might be describing the same entity type but, again, they were not looked into (two reports from Mississippi involved "black" witnesses and so were ignored despite the strangeness of the cases and possible correlations).

Are we dealing with androids which, as Wikipedia notes: "An android is a humanoid robot or other artificial being often made from a flesh-like material. Historically, androids were completely within the domain of science fiction and frequently seen in film and television, but recent advances in robot technology now allow the design of functional and realistic humanoid robots. 

Or are some robots? Again, let's have Wikipedia define robot and they are far more widespread on Earth than most people think: "A robot is a machine—especially one programmable by a computer—capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically. A robot can be guided by an external control device, or the control may be embedded within. Robots may be constructed to evoke human form, but most robots are task-performing machines, designed with an emphasis on stark functionality, rather than expressive aesthetics.

"Robots can be autonomous or semi-autonomous and range from humanoids such as Honda's Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility (ASIMO) and TOSY's TOSY Ping Pong Playing Robot (TOPIO) to industrial robots, medical operating robots, patient assist robots, dog therapy robots, collectively programmed swarm robots, UAV drones such as General Atomics MQ-1 Predator, and even microscopic nano robots. By mimicking a lifelike appearance or automating movements, a robot may convey a sense of intelligence or thought of its own."

One migh assume that robots would have been perfecte4d by a more advanced civilisation and certainly the objects encountered by Robert Taylor in Livingstone, Scotland in 1979 could be robots.  There are other reports but Taylor's is probably the best known.

Again, officially, no one has ever encountered an alien life form and the "turn a blind eye" of SETI and astronomers and science in general when it comews to these reports means that they can safely claim this until they retire and their pensions kick in.

There is tyhe possibility of "lurkers" within the solar system -hiding on or behind asteroids and monitoring Earth from a distance. But I think that the late biologist, zoologist and world traveller Ivan T. Sanderson explained why there are variations of "occupants" in reports. This appeared in the paperback Uninvited Visitors (1969 p. 133):

"Just imagine what would happen on some other planetary body if one of our space-probes was manned by (1) a middle aged Bushman woman, (2) a six-foot-six-inch Nigerian from somewhere around Katsena, with his near bhlack skin color and his flowing white robes and turban, (3) a blonde, buxom, Swedish girl, (4) a blue-black-skinned Melanesian with a full mop of branching red hair, (5) a Japanese child, and (6) a Neapolitan man. with shiny, black, wavy hair and an ivory skin. I can imagine the inhabitants of such a planet , if intelligent at all, going into near hysterics ande their authorities immediately locking up any who said thjey had encountered such a coterie coming out of a space vehicle and collecting plants and domestic animals."

Sanderson continued:

"The situation would become more confounded if only one or two of these six types happened to be seen manning a space traveling vehicle. And if only one of the types was seen at a time in various places and by different people, the debate among the witnesses as to which was telling the truth and which imagining things could well lead to bloodshed. This is just about the situation in which we (terrestrial man) are today. So let us try to be a bit more logical."

Unfortunately, finding good samples of Sanderson's Six is a tad difficult with copyrights and nothing showing up as exact matches in colour image searches so here is the best I could do.

Japanese woman

Blonde Swede
African bush woman
Katsena, Nigerian

Melanesian Man below Melanesian children

A Neapolitan man

There are various things that can discolour human skin and blue skin can be caused by not enough oxygen in the blood or silver in the blood.  Green skin and reddened skin is also not known and some people are so white they are almost ghostly!

Paul Karason (November 14, 1950 – September 23, 2013) was  from Bellingham, Washington whose skin turned a purple-blue color over a period of about a decade. His skin was described as having turned blue after he took a homemade silver chloride colloid and rubbing a solution of colloidal silver on his face in an attempt to treat problems with his sinuses, dermatitis, acid reflux and other issues. 

Above: Paul Karason

Just look around or use the internet for what it was intended to do: bring knowledge into your home. Just look at the variety of peoples and skin colourations and all humans! And if you are a Ufologist do some research and do not show your ignorance with that dumb line: "And then we have the little guys -what's that all about?"

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