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Saturday, 19 November 2022

Brain -We Have A Problem


Here is one for you to ponder: there is no known mechanism for telepathy. Mario Bunge -1919 to 2020- (if you check online he is described as having been  an Argentine-Canadian philosopher and physicist. His philosophical writings combined scientific realism, systemism, materialism, emergentism, and other principles) wrote that telepathy would contradict laws of science and the claim that "signals can be transmitted across space without fading with distance is inconsistent with physics".

That is based on what we know of the human mind.

Wonderopolis states in an interesting summary on the subject:

"So, is telepathy real? In a sense, yes—but it’s made possible by technology, not a special ability. When it comes to natural telepathy, we may never know the truth. There’s no solid evidence today to point to its existence."

Which might seem like a cop out but then you have to realise that should a scientist appear to have concrete evidence of telepathy there are going to be 100 scientists who call him "deluded", "Not having scientific evidence" (ignoring anything inconvenient such as test results) or simply "not having proved this to my satisfaction!" Awards ought to be given out based on scientific egoes and 9 out of 10 scientists agree on that.

We can gather many examples of possible telepathy but it does not concretely prove it exists to science ( science has a long record of being proven wrong based on lone researchers cracking "codes", formulae and more.

"What has this got to do with CE3K encounters?" I telepathically hear you ask (see what I did there?) Well it has a great deal to do with the subject.

We have many reports where percipients encounter alien entities and 'conversation' is via gestures or some unintelligible language which when it is clear the percipient does not understand...ends the encounter.  

This gives us certain things to consider. In the case of "gibberish" or "unintelligible language" being spoken we can speculate a lot. Is it not likely that if some alien intelligences were visiting Earth for a prolonged period that they would have learnt our language? After all that would be an essential, right? Well...define "our language".

For the French it is French  -there are 300 million speakers and is the fifth most spoken. 

 Spanish? Well, around the world there are, get your head around this, 534 million speakers.

Okay so how about English in all of its local variations (and believe me French and Spanish have a good few regional variations)? 1.35 billion.

Those are the main languages and the reason these are so widely spoken is down to colonialism and conquest. The top languages in the world are:

  • English (1.35 billion speakers 17% of world population)
  • Mandarin (1,117 million speakers second most widely spoken language in the world)
  • Hindi (572.0 million speakers)
  • Spanish (534 million speakers)
  • French (300 million speakers)
  • Arabic (274 million speakers)
  • Russian (258 million speakers)
  • Portuguese (234 million speakers)

When it comes to how many know languages there are in the world there are officially 7,100.  Which is a whole lot and which ones or one would aliens learn? In the late 1950s there was an alleged UFO crash in Gdynia, Poland and a humanoid in silver clothing and helmet washed ashore and spoke an "unintelligible" language and whisked off to Russia. It is very likely (based on the fact that when I looked into this years later I was told to "back off") that this was an unnamed early Russian cosmonaut. So the "unintelligible" language was Russian. Most people describe foreign languages they hear as unintelligible. Therefore any language spoken to a percipient that was not the local one would be "gibberish".

The emphasis of a local language being spoken is not necessarily meaningful if an entity speaks French, Spanish or English it may just be the one they consider to be the best to learn and if they land in France and speak to someone in Russian or land in Russia and speak in French....that may well be down to not realising that just because a ccertain population on continental Europe speaks French does not make it the language of the Continent with its small and large countries and regionalism.

It is always possible -theoretically- that any passing alien race might be adept at language learning  so in some cases they know which language to speak and where while others learn a language without realising it is not "universally" spoken on Earth.

Communicating by sign language -such as an entity pointing to itself and then a landed UFO and then the witness and indicating he/she can come on board is basic. I think anyone who has travelled knows the basics such as indicating being hungry -rubbing the belly and pointing at the mouth or thirsty by raising an imaginary glass to the mouth and then wiping the mouth -it goes on and on. If any alien entity has no knowledge of the language (any of the 7,100 then for a brief landing sign language at its most basic is useful. You'll know the "yes" nod and the nod for "no" so will they (probably).

In fifty years of looking at these reports I have had to consider these things because they do get reported and it is of no significance if Ufologist A or Ufologist B argue that visiting aliens should know "our language" because for the past 70 years reports of CE3K or UFOs not published in the English language have been ignored because these Ufologists do not understand anything other than English. Their arguments are petty and not thought out.

Now (you can relax as we have gotten there now) we come to telepathy. I have seen enough in my time to convince me that we are nowhere near even partly understanding how the human mind works. Poltergeists were at one time thought to be angry ghosts (hence the name) but we know that they are in fact from the Id of a person -teen girl or boy and occasionally from an adult.  I have witnessed such activity first hand. The whole sensationally reported and 'very silly -she's a nutter" stories of "sex with ghosts" we now also know is a creation of the Id. If you have not read my book UFO Contact? and want as good an explanation as we can give of Ruth Syndrome then do so. It has far reaching consequences for the "paranormal" as well as certain creature and UFO reports. 

The mind, conscious and unconscious, is something we are still learning about and it is possible that we will know far more about one day (in a couple hundred years as war is far more budget worthy than research that might benefit humans) and it may be revealed that telepathy does indeed break the physics barrier. But in most cases humans, even the highest intelligences, may be incapable of being receptive to telepathy  or be receptive but totally misunderstand what they are being told.

It may be that simple concepts work better and the mind interprets what it "receives" based on the percipients world view and everyday life. Imagine the entities explain to a percipient that they are from a certain planet -there is no spelling involved therefore the percipient has to interpret that data as best he/she can. Explanations given by entities may sound, once interpreted by the human mind, silly and nonsensical and so the account given is dismissed.  "We come here from our planet 100 light years away to study many things including animals such as the elk and what they eat" is basic but explains that they are carrying out biological studies. However, a human mind might interpret that as "We travel 100 light years to catch your elk to eat".

Imagine how some German sentences are just untranslatable or very weird when in English:

"Das Blaue vom Himmel versprechen"

Is someone “promising you the blue from the sky?” Translating this expression word-for-word isn’t going to give an English speaker much insight into its true meaning. In reality, das Blaue vom Himmel versprechen is a German idiom that means “to over-promise on something completely unrealistic. For example, “John can’t bring enough dessert for everyone.” Er hat mir das Blaue vom Himmel versprochen.” Or “John can’t bring enough dessert for everyone. He totally over-promised.”

Or even my favourite:


If you ever studied German, this word was likely your best friend and your worst enemy. Doch has a variety of meanings, making it extremely useful, but formidable to translate. It can firmly and definitively mean “yes,” but at the same time it could mean “no,” depending on the stance you’re trying to affirm. Or, it can simply be a point of emphasis. Instead of Komm her “Come here,” for example, one can use doch to say, Komm doch her! “Come on, can you please come here right now?!”

You can see other examples here:

There are a lot of permutations to communications and language translation (I was told during the 1980s by a woman who worked on German dictionaries that there were around 20 local types of German including Yiddisch. See -complicated.

Telepathic communications may be easy for some alien entities (again we are theorising) but you can put out a great radio show using top equipment but if Arthur Smith is seated somewhere with bad reception it can sound awful. High quality radio station = alien entity and Crap Reception =Human.  If the human mind is incapable of clear telepathic communication then not only might it misinterpret the "input data" but  it might also find that the mind is affected in various negative ways. An electric kettle boiled too much can blow or if you have an inadequate fuse in an electrical item it can blow -so might the human mind.

Most of us have assumed that the mental state of some "abductees" is due to something nasty the aliens have done. It might well be a case of aliens thinking humans can take telepathic communication, and perhaps some can to acertain extent, but...fuse is blown. If the alien entities involved are so uncaring about their human 'victims' why do they replace them, safely, back in their vehicles where they can drive on or be found quickly? I know: "we know nothing about alien minds" and that is the point. We watch TV and movies or read sci fi and every time it is "He spoke to me without moving his lips. His voice in my herad was as clear as if he were talking to me" which automatically assumes humans can just click on the ability for telepathic communications.

The "mind block" may well not be on purpose but a side effect that batters the amygdala, the hippocampus, the cerebellum, and the prefrontal cortex. These are the main parts of the human brain involved with memory. The amygdala is also involved in fear and fear memories and if an alien encounter (even if only initially) causes fear based on 1000 sci fi horror movies then that may make the initial fear seem to have been worse than it was and the mind interprets in its own way: "Why was I confronted by aliens? What did they do when I went on board their UFO -they must havce abducted me!" and every alien abduction story seen and heard now flows into that person. The hippocampus is associated with declarative and episodic memory as well as recognition memory so could also be affected.

Incidentally, a study showed that a certain part of our brain, called the prefrontal cortex, is particularly important for fine-tuning communication depending on the person we are communicating with. As far as we can tell it is not capable of telepathy.

Think about what we read. At Valensole, France, Maurice Masse was invited onto a UFO but politely declined and for that reason he did not believe the Betty and Barney Hill abduction story -if the aliens did that why did they not drag him off? What is more Masse had a conversation with said entities before they left.

Think about this: "I was grabbed and dragged aboard the UFO and subjected to invasive tests before being politely shown around the UFO and conversing with the aliens who explained various things to me" -evil kidnappers who then act very politely and even show concern for the 'abductee' both psychologically and physically. If we are to believe some accounts these alien entities even cured certain percipients of long term health problems. It is so contradictory that many years back I suspected that abduction accounts were not all we were led to believe -particularly with biased reporting and investigation to "sell the cash cow". "I was abducted by aliens!" is far 'sexier' as a news item than "I was invited aboard a UFO and the crew were very polite and tried to explain things as easily as they could to me."

If we put aside the Ruth syndrome cases as well as others (again Ruth sundrome and altered states does not mean that someone is mentally ill and it seems to be a natural function of the mind that is stronger in some: remember dreaming in your sleep is not a mental illness either) which should be studied more though that is out of the hands of Ufology thank goodness. Those cases gone we find that alleged alien 'abductions' are far rarer than some in Ufology would have us believe while some are still sucking on their thumbs asking "What are the little guys about?"

It could well be if someone in an alien encounter panics to the point of hysteria through fear that they are "shut down" -as in the Kelly Cahill case. A person's world view is shattered because "those silly flying saucers nutters talk about" are suddenly very real. That in itself may cause a kind of mental shock and collapse as noted in some cases as far back as the 1950s.

We have seen how Ufologists who have been quite regular people suddenly deal with an abduction case and some may chuckle internally thinking "Yeah, yeah. Even I've had that -means nothing". But then, again "yeah, had that, so what?" then they add 1 +2 = 32 and they are alien abductees themselves.  Even the late Leo Sprinkle withdrew from dealing with abductees through hypnosis as he suspected that the person hypnotised might be telepathically influenced by the (genuine) hynotist. Eventually, Sprinkle even believed that he, himself, was an abductee.

Before we dismiss some "silly" reports of alien-human communication we need to consider all of this and we have also got top understand that, if alien encounters do occur rarely what we believe to be forcable abductions may not be. Fear and false memory from shock may well be influencing a percipient and hypnosis may simply enforce that false memory and belief.

I have rambled on enough. Hopefully some of this is of interest or makes sense!

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Intelligent life may be more common than we thought