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Saturday, 5 November 2022

Some Thoughts On Correlations and Abductions

 The one good thing about having a blog where no one responds or comments is that I can speculate to my heart's content...that is a LOT of speculation! But speculation based on reported facts.

It is interesting to note that the all covering outfits worn by entities in the Vilas Boas case are not unique. As I have shown in my books there are correlations that no one in Ufology appears to have noted because...well, Ufologists in general have no interest in Close Encounters of the Third Kind (and I am not going to include the High Priests of Abduction here since they ...well, all have been exposed for long enough).

For instance we have the 1993 Dandenongs (aka Cahill encounter) case from Australia; all black entities with large oval eyes.  It is very unlikely that Cahillo or the others involved knew of similar entities reported in 1977 in Devon. In fact, the Mr A case (there were two others with him at the time but did not want to come forward) was very briefly mentioned in Flying Saucer Review in a readers letter. FSR had no interest so the only person who investigated and made drawings, approved by the observer, was me. Those illustrations did not appear in print until over a decade after the Dandenongs case. So, picking a totally unique entity description for a hoax that matched one already known about...massive coincidence. Up until the Australian case I was aware of only one other account of an all-black entity and that was from France and searches led me to find others.

None of the cases were sensationally reported and the ones that did receive some print space in English were, by the 1980s, considered quite obscure. 

When it comes to entity height we have to go by the observer/percipient's judgement in what are, honestly, a bizarre situation. There are good guides such as "The top of their heads reached my chin" but there seems to be this idea in Ufology that all of the entities must have a uniform height and if they don't then the case is suspect. How does that have any logic? Is every human on Earth the same standard height? We have people varying in height from 4ft 6 inches (1.40m) to 7 feet (2.13m).  Even individuals in an animal species can vary in size so the idea that "all aliens must be---" is silly in the extreme.

The all-encompassing coveralls/helmet and suggested breathing apparatus is described in the Vilas Boas case as well as the Moreland (NZ) encounter in 1959 as well as cases from the United States and Germany. Whether these are some type of extra vehicular activity (EVA) suits to enable breathing and movement in our environment or simple to prevent picking up Earth born diseases we have no ide. The Bibendum ("Michelin man") type suits we could call either but these are two clearly forms of entity clothing.

There is the ever popular diving-suit type outfit complete with head covering. In some cases it is reported that there seems to be some sort of face covering in others none.

Small (4 feet/1.21m to 5 ft 5 inches/1.67m) entities were commonly reported and, yes, their heads were described as oversized and bald with oversized eyes but these were not "Greys" and I can find no reports matching Greys prior to the Hopkins/Jacobs era. Finding You Tubers, bloggers and some Ufologists stating that the Hills and others "encountered what we know today as the Greys" shows a great ignorance of the subject matter: the Hills were not abducted by Greys.  Interesting to note that I once (2015) did a post in which I showed witness drawings or drawings approved by witnesses of Greys that all "showed the typical Grey". Except they did not and I counted up to 12 different kinds of "Greys" in these.

I have also said and written many times stating that, unless they have been investigated (I mean the observer has been spoken to not reading a news-clipping) it cannot be taken as evidence but only noted.  Some cases we know are hoaxes and misidentification but are still used by

Ufologists because they are just too good to let go (like Roswell, MJ-12 and Thomas Mantell's crash).  How many CE3K reports are we hearing of in 2022? Everything has to conform to the Hopkins/Jacobs formula but here is the thing; "regular" CE3K type cases continued throughout the 30 plus years of abduction deception.

I am not claiming that no one has ever been abducted by aliens nor can I claim with 100% confidence that they have. We are still waiting the case where someone actually manages to steal an alien artefact but it seems that aliens have labelled humans as kleptomaniacs so are on the look out.  There are many cases out there that are anecdotally very strong and that includes independent witnesses. However, there is a very strong belief on my part after 50 years that abductions are quite rare and if we exclude the whole "Grey Agenda" it can be clearly seen; they are not common. 

There is another problem in that we have, on one side the "I was dragged aboard the UFO" group and on the other incidents in which people were invited to board a landed UFO but "declined" and...that was it. No abduction -the entities either re-entered the object which took off or spoke (sometimes in an unintelligible language) to the percipient then left.

What is going on?

I had toyed with the idea that in some abduction cases the actual abduction itself and what could be recalled under hypnosis were false memory but then you have to ask (at a time when this was far from common in the literature) why women describe the same type of procedures -despite sceptics and some Ufologists claiming that in 1975 "everyone" knew the details of the Hill case they did not and the same applies to the Vilas Boas case -it was not even known in Brasil until the late 1960s and pretty obscure in US Ufology.  

We are left wondering whether (here accepting that the accounts are truthful) there is some type of "Ask but if you want to abduct" policy or whether more than one species is involved? The odd thing is that these entities carry out their work, removing pain when the subject shows it then, afterwards, they will show the percipient around the craft.  Almost a "We're not nasty by nature but need to do the work. Sorry -have a look around" attitude and, other than making sure no artefacts are taken, we then have to entities explain that they will make the percipient forget "for the best".   Considering that in many cases such an event is psychologically world-shattering is this the reason for the mental block? Or is it that and the knowledge that claiming to have met aliens gives many percipients a rough road in life -actually 'protecting' the percipient?

CE3K/Alien Entity reports can be mind bending at times and for some Ufologists the work can become a problem with them ending up believing they, too, are lifelong abductees based on very little. 

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