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Monday, 14 November 2022

Missing People & "The UFO Connection" - Higdon Case A Personal Comment

Interesting video and an easy way to dismiss the Higdon case, however, not all is so clean cut. I dealt with this case in UFO Contact? and thought that it would be one of the more easily explainable cases. And it is if you go by what you find online.

I have, well of course I do, Margery Higdon's 2017 booklet Alien Abduction of The Wyoming Hunter which is 75pp and ends with this note: 

"Remember if this happens to you talk with someone you can trust. Don't dwell on it and get on with your life."

The book is not sensatuionalist, has no photos or maps and for all the world appears to be just tel;ling it as it was and advising others and that last note I wish more percipients took. It is a world view shattering event in anyones life but a good few percipients have uttered the same words as Robert taylor (Livingstone, Scotland 1979): "It's something that happened now get on with your life".

If I could easily dismiss the case then I would. There is mention of a light colour sky in the video but lights were seen that were not attributable to other searchers and we have to remember where and how Higdon was found, his physical condition and eye problems as well as that bullet and the state it was in. He was tested for drugs -negative. He was checked to ascertain whether he was or had suffered from any psychiatric illnesses -none. My first thought was that he may have been in a fugue state -a dissociative fugue is a temporary state where a person has memory loss (amnesia) and ends up in an unexpected place. People with this symptom can't remember who they are or details about their past. Other names for this include a "fugue” or a “fugue state.” This can be ruled out.

The entity type does sound weird and there are elements left out in this video. It seems almost clear that Higdon was having partial recall and very confused at that. Four people in such ba tiny "cube" plus the other details make no sense which allows some to dismiss the account. Things were not shown to Higdon in writing so he was recalling what was said to the best of his ability. 'Facts' may in fact be his subconcious kicking in to fill the gaps or try to make sense of what he could recall. The late Leo Sprinkle's hypnosis session was conducted professionally and no leading questions were asked ) I am sure Hopkins would have come up with "Greys" somewhere). If you want a full, straight forward account of all the details of this case -my book has it all.

We can look on what Higdon was told (if he was told and it is not his mind filling in blanks) as a deception on the part of the entities involved. Remember that we have never openly, officially met any alien intelligences so we have no idea how they work psychologically and a lie to throw of any real interest if Higdon reported the encounter might be possible.

When it comes down to it Higdon suffered psychological and physiological effects similar to other UFO percipients and those would need explaining. Every other factor needs to be explained away and that includes the infamous bullet which debunkers conveniently ignore or state "It was a miss-fire" or "He fired into a solid object" which do not work. I think that far more went on during the encounter  which was obviously lengthier than he can account for and whatever did happened left him as he was found.

If we accept that alien encounters do take place then we know from the records that abductions are not common place. In fact, most people recall a close proximity UFO and then time has passed.  One percipient always leaves a case open to being down to "natural causes" but when you add in independent observers to strange lights o physical traces you have a unique situation -still not 100% proof of aliens but strong anecdotal evidence. I can cite at least ten cases where "something" may have happened to people but "it just happened" and it has not affected their lives. 

Why do I not push these people to undergo regression hypnosis?  Because it has caused them no problems and though I would dearly love to know what happened I am not going to turn anyones life to garbage. You start digging in that can of worms opened up by hypnosis then you, the investigator had better be prepared to give up your life to be the percipient's confidant-come-social worker. Most Ufologists just want the publicity or chapter for the next book and that's it. Totally unethical.

You either look at all the facts in the Higdon case and conclude "something happened" or take the easy option and say "never happened", Personally, I would really like to go with the latter.....would like to

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