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Saturday, 26 November 2022

UFO Classified with Erica Lukes -Last Episode and a few thoughts (expletives included)

Erica Lukes' last show last night and she mentions needing UFO records to be archived at different locations so they can be shared and mentioned the AFU but she was thinking more in the US. That makes sense because trans-Atlantic travel to look at papers that used to belong to a person who lived 30 miles away at one point is insane.
Another kick in the teeth as she and Jack Brewer (an alleged very experienced veteran Ufologist who tends, admittedly, to think CE3K reports are modern folklore) discuss abductions and that they tell us "nothing" about what we are seeing up in the sky and that shows why 50 years of work means nothing: I did point out to both in a comment that you need to seperate Hopkins, Jacobs and co from serious researchers -no comment though the ones before and after mine were responded to.
These are people who claim to be looking for the facts and to move the subject on but who/what might be flying these UFOs is unimportant. Other comments from guests show they want to be the intellectual elite but it is NOT all "modern folklore"

*Does folklore given you a dose of radiation?
*Does folklore cause physiological effects in a person?
*Folklore causing mental shock and post traumatic stress disorder??
* Folklore that blinds a person and creates long term health issues?

I actually READ books. I have a shelf full of fairylore books from the 19th century to early 20th and none of these effects are noted (even if Forteans misquote and twist aspects of some accounts).

Well, ***** me for 50 years I thought that I was investigating Close Encounters of the Third Kind and alien entity reports all in association with UFOs to try7 to get to the truth and all I was doing was becoming a folklorist.

I have been enjoying the show but at least four times now we have had 'veteran Ufologists' who dismiss CE3K accounts or simply sit on their asses and say "What's all this little guys stuff about?" Seriouisly; what the fuck have you been doing during your "decades in research"? Picking your nose?

I tend to try to keep things polite but we know the Old and New Ufologists are just publicity seeking bad researchers, liars and frauds chasing the money. Now we have people want to smash all of that out of the way bu8t "let's ignore the silly CE3K cases -they mean nothing". About time that people who keep claiming that they want to make Ufology a serious subject (heard that since the 1970s so many times I lost count) but it is not. Look at the bright shiny things in the sky -let's find out what they are! Someone at the same time reported a landing and "little guys" -we can ignore that.

That is not making UFOs a seruious topic., That is the same shit we had in the 1950s (where only money making contactees were welcome because they put paying bums on seats). Same in the 1960s. Same in the 1970s. Same in the 1980s (after that bunko team of Hopkins and Jacobs got started only abductees were accepted with no one questioning anything and "no abduction? Not interested" was the norm.) Same in the 1990s. Same in the 2000s and it looks as though it will continue on under "new more evidence based researchers".

Some aircraft or helicopter lands unexpectedly we check it out to see who is flying it. Oh bless the sainted "veteran Ufologists" that we should ever look at who/what might be flying or inside seemingly constructed craft that cannot be identified.

Am I angry? I am fucking livid. I now at least know not to bother to share information with since I only specialise in 'folklore'. This is exactly why Ufology will NEVER be taken seriously and the messengers of deception within it will keep running the show and earning the big bucks.

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