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Sunday, 30 October 2022
Calling it a day. Almost used up a ream (500pp) of paper, 6th ink cartridge refill and then all pages into plastic protector sleeves then into their respective files.
Saturday, 29 October 2022
It's Expensive Being An Archivist-Researcher
I have now, at 1930hrs stopped copying for today.
Friday, 28 October 2022
Hopkins Archive, Mack and Jacobs
At 0200 hrs this morning I completed transferring the Budd Hopkins/Intruders Foundation material to a folder. I decided that I will add the David Jacobs material to the same folder for ease of access.
The one thing I did while transferring everything was read the pages (I do reviewing so I can speed read) and I just sat there for an hour or so after asking just what I could trust? At what point did Hopkins begin to deceive Ufology and colleagues.
I had one friend who helped Hopkins a lot and disseminated the private news updates at his own expense to "trusted investigators only". He also paid for at least two Cat-Scans (and back in the 1980s those were not cheap) to look for alien implants. "As he expected" I was told "none could be found" -in both cases, allegedly, the "abductees had 'dreamt' of the implants being removed the night before." Here was my problem: no negative cat-scans were made available and we had Hopkins' word (in private letters) that they had gone ahead. I believe my friend financed another cat-scan which found...nothing (again).
I do know that there were several high level persons who also paid for cat-scans that were negative -one was a member of a European royal family. Hopkins was getting thousands of dollars for cat-scans that we were told repeatedly had yielded nothing (not even paperwork or scans it seems).
At one point, in a "do not tell anyone but people you trust" letter, but revealed that he thought a government agency was at work and helping aliens remove implants and (not in print but over the phone to my friend) Hopkins wanted to make this known "in case something happens to him".
This all caused me to ask my friend whether he was sure Hopkins was on the up-and-up? I was told that of course he was as his work was "peer reviewed" -something we later learnt was a lie. To me this had all the red flags of a scam but I could not possibly be right about that as all of the big names in Ufology supported Hopkins while getting their photos taken with "the man of the hour".
Most people look at the reports while I tend to look at everything and at every angle. I saw interviews with some of Hopkins's abductees and really came to realise that they were probably not have "physical experiences" but, again, I kept telli9ng myself that Hopkins would have spotted that.
And if Hopkins was up to no good how was it that Jacobs was getting similar results? Being an archivist and interested in the people involved not just the story I soon found photos of Hopkins and Jacobs palling it up at conventions and events. People were generally asked to leave the two men alone as they swapped their findings and new aspects they had come across and to which no one but they were privy to. At that point, on hearing all of this, I could feel myself sinking to my knees. That explained why Hopkins and Jacobs came up with the same stories but to make sure Jacobs pushed his theory while Hopkins pursued his so that there were two camps of believers. Faulty or questionable hypnosis techniques only helped. It was Hopkins and Jacobs who conferred and decided that millions were abducted by aliens each year -and that it was a generational thing. Jacobs evangelically shouted that "You didn't just see a UFO -YOU WERE ABDUCTED!" Hopkins joined in this major piece of deceit.
More worrying is that people led to believe that they had been abducted were pushed into further emotional turmoil because they believed their own children were being violated by "the Greys". That is unforgivable.
There was a glimmer of hope because John Mack was an academic and prize-winning psychologist so his work would be to academic standards and peer reviewed. With other work over the years I had learnt never to trust academics and their claimed standards but Mack was a big international name. He had a lot to lose if anything was "shaky".
Then I heard that Mack and Hopkins were very pally and with Jacobs, too. Still, Mack had professional standards to uphold. But here were a trio of men who were exchanging information and accepting no checks to prevent cross-contamination of cases. The professional way would have been for each to not chit-chat and share but each continue their work and at a point each present a paper for peer review and the accuracy of the work could be assessed.
I read his books but then looked at how he interviewed children in the Ariel School event. Then I saw his interviewing the well known (it was proven at the time) Mexican hoaxer/contactee Carlos Diaz and pronounced him a seemingly sincere and honest person. Not only does it appear that Mack had carried out no background checks (if he had then he ignored the facts) but there are two choices as to why he declared Diaz "genuine":
1. Because Diaz was pushing the loving aliens worried about our world, as was Mack so it supported his own beliefs. Gullible. Which would not make him very good at his chosen profession.
2. Mack was lying to push his own pet theory of a cosmic awakening.
Neither of those is good.
Along with the video recording of Carol Rainey, Hopkins was condemned.
Jacobs -well, I think we all ought to be aware of what happened there but -condemned.
Looking at the video footage and other factors I have to, and I cannot emphasise how much I hate doing this, declare that either Mack was a gullible fool or perverting the evidence to fit a pet theory. That condemns his work.
There were a lot of other things filling my mind until at about 0330 hrs I decided that what was done was done and the thought that any one of these men, particularly Hopkins, could have been dealing with a person(s) who had a genuine experience and turned it into a mind game fantasy sickens me. Not because I was initially taken in (many still are) but that people were put through all of this while the High Priests of Abduction took the celebrity and money and occasionally trotted out a pet abductee.
Ufology should be ashamed.
Thursday, 27 October 2022
The Budd Hopkins and Intruders Foundation Archive
I just placed the Budd Hopkins and Intruders Foundation material into a temporary folder. Contents of the folder are:
IF paper: The Case For UFO Abductions as Physical Events (12pp)
MUFON Symposium (1984) paper The Hauntings of Kitley Woods -An Ongoing UFO Saga
MUFON Journal (?) 1986 A Childhood Abduction?
Letter with updates 7th October, 1985
Debbie Jordan -Hypnotic Session transcript 4th October 1985
The Cape Codder (Orleans, Mass.) 12th August 1986 The Cosmic Connection (article with Hopkins)
Private Correspondence and update from Hopkins via Lindy Whitehurst 6th November 1985
MUFON UFO Journal no. 293 September, 1992 The Linda Cortile Abduction Case by Budd Hopkins
IF The Bulletin of the Intruders Foundation Vol. 1 no. 1 Fall, 1989
ditto Vol. 1 no. 2
ditto Vol. 1 no. 3 1991
ditto Vol. 1 no. 4 1991
Correspondence with Hopkins Oct-Nov 1995
I have moved correspondence with my friend L. T. Whitehurst to the file along with Jacobs correspondence and the Project Damocles folder.
United States Files now updated from 9-11 Folders
While awaiting more plastic page protectors I have tried to sort out the United States folders as some were at the point of bursting.
There are currently 11 folders:
Historical -any alleged claims up until 1949
1980 -
Although 1980 on is sparse that is because I am dealing with cases not from Hopkins, Jacobs, Mack, Carpenter and others. I should note that having been a supporter of Hopkins I do have a bunch of his MUFON talks in print plus a lot of IF (Intruders Foundation) newsletters so that side of things is not ignored and are still part of the overall archive and may need to be moved into a 12th folder for ease of access.
Hopefully by Christmas of this year I should have acquired as many summaries or case notes as I can and after that will only do an occasional archive update.
From one bulky file (see below) to 11 more organised ones is a lot of work (unfunded I may mention).
Isabel Davis
Isabel Davis, was co-founder with Ted Bloecher and Lex Mebane of the highly rated Civilian Saucer Intelligence of New York in 1954.
Isabel Davis was also co-author with Bloecher of Close Encounters At Kelly and Others of 1955. That, sadly, is all we know about here. Many of the original, serious, investigators tended to get the job done and that was it. So far removed from today's media hunting Ufologists out to become a celebrity and make money.
There is correspondence between Davis and Bloecher at the NY archives and this might reveal more about here. Unfortunately, being in the UK means that I cannot access the archives.
If anyone can fill out Davis's bio please get in touch.
Really? There May Be 4 Quintillion Alien Spacecraft Buzzing in Our Solar System?
Well, if you read the latest from Avi Loeb as reported on the Daily Best -yes.
Here is what David Axe's article reports:
Five years ago a very strange object—maybe a thousand feet long, oblong, shiny and fast—streaked across space, tens of millions of miles from Earth. Its course and speed indicated it had come from outside the solar system. A visitor from another star.
Above: Avi Loeb (c)2022 respective copyright holderAstronomers dubbed the thing ‘Oumuamua—Hawaiian for “scout”—and started arguing about it.
On one side are an overwhelming majority of scientists who don’t know what ‘Oumuamua is, but aren’t willing to speculate as to what it might be.
On the other side, are a much smaller camp led by Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb, who argues that we should at least consider the possibility that ‘Oumuamua is an alien spacecraft.
Why One Harvard Astronomer Believes This Asteroid Is an Alien Ship
Now Loeb is asking the next logical question. How many other ‘Oumuamuas could there be in and around the solar system? In a new study that appeared online on Sept. 22 and hasn’t yet been peer-reviewed, Loeb and his coauthor Carson Ezell, also a Harvard astronomer, concluded there are as many as 4,000,000,000,000,000,000 (or 4 quintillion) of them.
Each is a visitor from another star, and each, possibly, artificially created.
That might seem like a lot. But the solar system is vast. And the space between our star system and our closest neighbor, Proxima Centauri, is even more vast. Actually finding any of those 4 quintillion possible mysterious objects for closer study could be really, really hard.
To be clear, Loeb isn’t claiming there are quintillions of alien craft zooming around our corner of the Milky Way. After all, he’s never said that ‘Oumuamua is definitely a robotic probe or crewed craft—just that we should be open to the possibility.
So what Loeb and Ezell calculated isn’t the population of alien craft. It’s the population of possible alien craft or other possible artificial objects. Leftover ET rocket parts. Unexplainable fragments of alien technology beyond our understanding. That kind of thing.
The math is simple. “One can use recent rates of detection of interstellar objects and known capabilities to estimate the density of similar objects in the solar neighborhood,” Loeb and Ezell wrote.
They started with all the objects astronomers have detected that have come from outside the solar system. These are objects that, in other words, could have originated with or near an alien civilization just beyond the sight of our probes and telescopes.
There are four: ‘Oumuamua, of course, but also the interstellar meteors CNEOS 2014-01-08 and CNEOS 2017-03-09,plus the interstellar comet Borisov.
That’s four interstellar visitors in eight years. Loeb and Ezell factored in just how much of the galaxy we can observe with our instruments—which is not much—in order to arrive at an estimate of how many more objects like ‘Oumuamua might be out there in the darkness, having arrived from a neighboring star system.
They actually came up with two numbers. One for all interstellar objects, including those that are zipping randomly around and across the solar system and aren’t likely to pass within view of our instruments. That’s a staggering 40,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (or 40 decillion).
The lower number, 4 quintillion, is for objects that seem to be directed toward the “habitable zone” of the solar system, close to the sun. That’s where Earth orbits, and where astronomers have some chance of spotting a passing object.
That lower number is the exciting one, and not just because the closer objects are much easier to detect. They’re also the objects that are most likely to be extraterrestrial craft. After all, they seem to be aimed in our direction. They’re objects with a purpose.
But even Loeb isn’t proposing there are 4 quintillion objects exactly like ‘Oumuamua. That object is notable not just for its apparent origin, but also for its size. It’s big enough to be a very large, crewed spacecraft. Judging from the interstellar comets we’ve detected, there’s a good chance that most of the interstellar objects in the habitable zone around the Sun are tiny—likely no bigger than 3 feet across. There are probably a million of the latter for every single ‘Oumuamua-size object, Loeb explained.
That still leaves a lot of potential ‘Oumuamuas out there, somewhere in the habitable zone of the solar system. Each one a possible alien craft, if you share Loeb’s open-mindedness.
But actually pinpointing these objects, not to mention closely inspecting them, is extremely difficult. It’s so difficult that a close encounter with a passing alien craft is the least likely way we’ll make first contact with extraterrestrials, according to Edward Schwieterman, an astrobiologist at the University of California, Riverside.
“In my view, we are much more likely to detect life that originates outside of our solar system through remote observation than by physical encounters,” Schwieterman told The Daily Beast.
We got lucky with ‘Oumuamua. It’s really big, really shiny, and it passed around 21 million miles from Earth.
But the solar system is more than 9 billion miles across. And it’s another 20 trillion miles to Proxima Centauri. Small and very far away, most interstellar objects—even the ones crossing the habitable zone—will be a lot more difficult to find than ‘Oumuamua. “Space debris is hard to see from far away,” Seth Shostak, an astronomer with the California-based SETI Institute, told The Daily Beast.
Artist’s impression of the interstellar asteroid ‘Oumuamua.
We’re getting better at it, though. New telescopes including NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope help us look farther into the darkness of the outer solar system, find ever-smaller objects, and separate the local stuff from possible interstellar visitors.
Loeb also highlighted the Vera C. Rubin Observatory that’s under construction in Chile. Set to open in 2023, the observatory with its 3.2-billion-pixel camera should be able to survey the entire southern sky every four days. “A high-resolution image could reveal bolts and screws on the surface of an artificial object and distinguish it from a nitrogen iceberg, a hydrogen iceberg or a dust bunny,” Loeb said.
‘Oumuamua was a missed opportunity. Sure, Loeb is open to the idea it’s an alien probe, but most astronomers aren’t. If we can get a closer look at the next ‘Oumuamua, maybe more scientists will come around to the idea it might be an alien craft.
In theory, we’ve got 4 quintillion opportunities.
Only 4 quintillion? I thought it might have been more 😏 There was a joke -it may still be one- that people opt into "theoretical sciences" because you can speculate and hypothesise about a great deal without actually having to prove anything. Avi Loeb seems to be of the theoretical persuasion: Oumuamua was an inter-galactic space probe (at the least). Yes, there are some aspects that need to be looked at deeper but no one detected anything that pointed to it being such. Certainly there were no flourescent lights declaring "Space probe #876564e6".
I know, I know: "But, Terry, if that is true and a scientist says so that validates your work of 50 years!" No. It does not.
NASA is launching a UFO investigation and here are Mystic Tel's prediction: "We were able to identify a large percentage of the objects but a small percentage escaped explanation and are worthy of study." We can predict (know) this because NASA is not going to go near any UFO landing reports or observations of entities close to a landed UFO. They are not going to re-assess the Hill, Higdon, Liberty or Walton case because that is dealing with UFOs. Elizondo and his buddies have tried to subvert terminology in Ufology so that they control the narrative as secrecy kicks in even tighter -we are not getting any evidence from AATIP, AAWSAP or ASWIPE or whatever they want to call their 'study'.
There are, in the modern era, reports from 1944 up to 2021; not just solo but 2-3 or more percipients/observers but these will never be looked at because "it's UFOs" and the fact that there are so many con men, fakers ands worse in Ufology means that any search and investigation would need to be very careful and check all details and Ufology has made that difficult after 70 years of creating anti-establishment feeling. Also, if NASA looked into an abduction case it would have 30+ years of Hopkins/Jacobs driven fakery and even if they bypassed abductions and went just into landing cases the Ufologists would be jumping up and down and whoring themselves out to any and every media outlet screaming "See? We were right! How many $ do you pay for interviews?"
You would need a team dedicated to sceptically investigate reports and by sceptical I mean open-minded and following the evidence. Sitting back and talking about what “high level” observers report or some dubious official footage is not an investigation or study really but just another free lunch with extra merits to add to the curriculum vitae.
The same applies to Loeb and his claims. In fact, someone reports encountering a landed UFO and an octopoid entity is a more solid fact that can be physically followed up than the statement that our star system “may have, could have, might of” been passed through by 4 quintillion probes or whatever. It sounds great but here is the thing: just because you are a scientist and good at the math does not your theory correct.
In September, 2022 Scientists have corrected a significant math error in a theory used to describe human color perception for over 100 years. Oopsy
And then we have the serious statement from a number theorist who says it's possible that all published math could be wrong, and makes the case for A.I. to double-check proofs.
This is all theoretical math with nothing solid to back it up other than the theorist’s imagination and the math and I would hate to be hanging off the edge of a cliff and depend on math. If it could be proven that 1-2 alien objects (constructed) passed through our solar system I would be happy but with the vast distances between objects such as asteroid belt, planets, etc. it is very unlikely that we would spot them -most of our SETI seems to be far more interested in the “safe” checking out of distance galaxies and planets.
Now, were Loeb and his team pushing for something like the launching of Starlink probes to journey through our solar system and listen out for/ look for alien signals or technology I would be far more impressed.
We know that a high percentage of UFO reports and encounters can be explained away easily or after some study.
We also know that people on our planet have had encounters that cannot be simply dismissed as “imaginary”, “Ruth syndrome”, “dream state” or “They are bout of their frickin’ gourds!” They have suffered mentally (including post traumatic stress) and physically (radiation burns, etc) and traces have been left behind (Falcon Lake, Canada) and all while out for a quiet stroll down the lane or through the fields or woods not to mention while simply driving home. And a number have independent observers and even local radar tracking to back them up.
That is far more evidence of an “alien presence” that fairy dust in space. When people like Loeb stop, assess the actual data we have then it might means our making some headway. However, what Loeb is doing is SETI.2 and I would argue it is attention-seeking publicity for a new “SETI” and the one we already have is bad enough.
Ufology may be taken in by Elizondo and crew. It may well be taken in and start quoting Loeb and his 4 quintillion number but it makes no difference at all to people whose entire world view has been shattered because they encountered something, here on Earth, that they were told does not exist.
Do the math on that one, Loeb.
Wednesday, 26 October 2022
John Hanson
Above: John Hanson in his office (c)2022 J. Hanson
John Hanson is a retired CID Officer in the West Midlands Police and first became interested in the UFO subject in January 1995, after colleagues sighted a UFO hovering over some trees. This was the trigger for his curiosity; prior to that the very mention of UFOs and 'flying saucers' was impossible for him to accept as having any reality in the modern world.
The publication of ten plus Volumes of Haunted Skies which painstakingly catalogue thousands of reports of UFOs/close encounter experiences by the public from 1940 onward, is a project that John has been working on for many years. His objective is to educate the public and therefore he's published the books at his own expense since the inception of the project.
(c)2022 J. Hanson
Initially, I purchased a volume so that I could at least say that I supported his work. I ended up buying a complete set.
When it comes to CE3K/AE reports I have amassed many, particularly from the UK which was and still is a back water for such things and I expected a few reports of interest since I am a historian but I was surprised. Hanson came up with reports I had never heard of before and many had not been in print before. Each volume presented me with surprises and Hanson managed to do something Ufologists had not bothered with before: he tracked down and spoke to percipients/observers to these cases from the 1950s on.
Above: Hanson with Lt. Col. Halt on a visit to Rendlesham Forest (c)2022 J. Hanson
For this reason Hanson is worthy of mention. Another reason he is worthy of mention is that he has met and spoken to observers who are (or should be) well known to British UFO history and has added much more than we knew before about them, their observations and the aftermaths.
Hanson has also visited Rendlesham Forest and the work he has published on the alleged UFO incident/crash there is far more concise and readable than much of the already existing literature. He has also become friends with the senior officer involved in "The Rendlesham Incident", Lt. Colonel Charles Halt. Hanson has written two dense volumes based on what Halt has revealed -The Halt Perspective and The Halt Perspective 2.
Hanson has also set up the Great British UFO Archives.
The great British UFO Archives (a work still in progress) (c)2022 J. Hanson
More Updating of the Archive and 2023
Well, it was inevitable....
Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Monday, 24 October 2022
Ariel School UFO Sighting Interviews, Summary of Event and Thoughts
From IFL
The Ariel School Phenomenon: What Really Happened When 68 Children Witnessed A UFO?
On September 16, 1994, 62 students at the Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, claimed to witness an unknown craft descend from the sky and land in a field nearby.
The incident, which would become known as the Ariel School Phenomenom in UFO circles, started out on a fairly normal day. At break time – while the teachers remained inside for a faculty meeting – some of the children claim to have seen a silvery disc land on a hill just out of bounds. The children reportedly ran to the edge of the school grounds to get a better look, with several claiming that they saw figures emerge from what they described as a craft.
The children described the event – which they reported as having lasted up to 15 minutes – to their teachers after the break had ended, to much (warranted) skepticism. However, when they talked to their parents that night, they had questions that were then asked of the faculty. With this prompting, and the intervention of a local UFO researcher, the headteacher of the school asked the children to draw what they had seen. They came back with pretty similar images of silvery, classic UFO-type crafts, sometimes complete with alien figures standing nearby.
"It looked like it was glinting in the trees. It looked like a disc. Like a round disc," one child witness told the BBC a few days after the incident. "I saw something silver on the ground amongst the trees. And a person in black," another said.
The story only gets more complicated from here, making it difficult to figure out what exactly went on.
The children were interviewed by local UFO researcher Cynthia Hind the day after the event. What Hind found curious was that the students – who had diverse backgrounds, though all from wealthy families as tuition was expensive – described similar features to the figures and UFO, despite interpreting the phenomenon in wildly different ways based on their own upbringing.
Some thought that the figures were Zvikwambo (spirits of humans, raised by magic) or tokoloshe (evil goblin creatures of Shona and Ndebele folklore). Hind believes these different interpretations, accompanied by similar drawings and descriptions, gave more credibility to the idea that the children had all seen a similar event.
She also believed that the kids would not have had access to media about UFOs which could have tainted their testimony or planted similar images in their imaginations, telling the TV show Sightings "a lot of these children don't go to the movies. They live in the country. Parents are farmers". The argument being that if they had not encountered these images before and then described something similar, it gives more credibility to their alien encounter being real.
Next came a Harvard professor of psychiatry John Mack to interview the children. Through testimony collected by Mack, a new narrative emerged. When talking to the professor – who had recently published a book on UFOs and was heavily invested in the topic – the children reported receiving telepathic messages from the "aliens", spreading an environmental message. Mack had also recently been investigated by Harvard for giving credence to the idea to patients who had "reported a ‘close encounter’ with an Extraterrestrial life form that this experience might well have been real".
Despite being one of the reasons why the Ariel School incident is so widely known, his interview technique was sloppy. Having arrived months after the incident, meaning children could consolidate their stories in their minds, it's likely he prompted the children (perhaps unconsciously) to recall these telepathic events. Hind, meanwhile, had interviewed the children in groups of four to six, making the similarity of story details somewhat less impressive.
Another problem with Hind's idea that the children did not know of typical depictions of aliens in media was that the country was in the middle of something of a UFO fever at the time. Two days previously, the Zenit-2 rocket from the Cosmos 2290 satellite launch had re-entered the atmosphere, causing a fireball in the sky. It wasn't known what the object was by some local residents, and ZBC Radio had been hit with numerous calls claiming to have seen UFOs. Hind herself had learned of the incident after talking to the station herself, after a call was made about the school.
More sensible explanations – not requiring you to accept that aliens flew here, made a vague message to some school children, and then flew off again – range from mass hysteria to a simple prank on behalf of the school children. One team, documenting cases of mass hysteria in Africa at around this time period, says we should be able to label this and similar incidents as mass hysteria without investigating too much further.
"Time should not be wasted in a fruitless search for environmental precipitants, which by reinforcing behavior may serve to prolong the episode," doctors wrote in the Malawi Medical Journal. "In other words, Mass hysteria should not be a diagnosis of exclusion, after all the physical, chemical and biological factors have been ruled out."
Here is my problem with this case; There appears to have been no thorough investigation of the alleged landing site. That is a problem.
Cynthia Hind made the biggest investigation error. It is almost an amateur mistake to make and yet Hind was, supposedly, a thorough investigator. You do not get a group of observers together then ask them to describe what they saw/happened. You take each one, which is time consuming but if you are an investigator that is what it takes: time and patience. Talk to each person individually (with a guardian present obviously) and ask them to tell you what they saw and draw what they saw. You do that with each observer then assess the possibility of cross contamination with accounts and then look at the possibility of it being a true event or not.
John Mack I must admit has hit rock bottom in my own opinion. The Diaz contactee case in Mexico was proven a hoax fairly soon after it was reported yet Mack ignored all the previous investigations of the case or -worse still- simply had not bothered doing any research. He pronounced, on film, that Diaz appeared to be telling the truth and that was it. After all, why would Diaz and his family lie? (I presume Mack had not heard of money at that point).
Mack also went about his look into the incident in a slip-shod way and you can be a Believer or Non-Believer -your choice. Debunking with claims of "possible mass hysteria...but might not be mass hysteria" by persons who go by press and other reports but never actually talked to all of the observers can be put in the waste bin. Mass hysteria cannot be put forward without evidence.
It seems an interesting case but Ufologists (pardon the language) fecked it up badly by being very amateurish and not following a proper investigation procedure. Too many claims were made by both Hind and Mack but with nothing to back them up. Of course, it is far too late now as the kids have grown and developed their own diverse opinion.
Had this incident been dealt with properly then we might have a really good case and, I have had this said before, the documentary "seems to show that it was genuine". Well, as far as I understand it from interviews I have seen the film maker claims to be an "experiencer" which, as far as impartiality goes is a concrete boot stepping on a raw egg.
In these cases we must follow a rigorous procedure. This comes across as a possible slightly over exaggerated schoolyard UFO encounter (of which there are a good few) but could have been more.
Saturday, 22 October 2022
Friday, 21 October 2022
Is It Alien Abduction or Sleep Paralysis?
"Oh, here we go the abduction explanation -" is probably what many "believers" think and say in disgust when they hear the words "sleep paralysis".
In The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters (2001), Ed. Ronald D Story, regarding the 1975 case of Pat Roach (originally using the pseudonym of Pat Price to protect her identity) Kevin D. Randle summarises the case and notes that "...we now know about a psychological phenomenon called "sleep paralysis". The Roach abduction now appears to be a classic example of sleep paralysis." It was suspected as alien abduction initially as one of her children claimed to have seen a "spaceman"
Randle is, of course, incorrect in writing that we now know about sleep paralysis.
The first mention of a treatment for sleep paralysis was noted in the 7th century by Byzantine physician Paulus Aegineta. The folklore and mythology up until medical research explained SP as caused by succubi and succubus, demons, fairyfolk and in modern times, aliens.
How Is Sleep Paralysis Diagnosed? If you find yourself unable to move or speak for a few seconds or minutes when falling asleep or waking up, then it is likely you have IRSP -isolated recurrent sleep paralysis. There is often no need to treat this condition.
Between 8% and 50% of people experience sleep paralysis at some point in their life. About 5% of people have regular episodes. Males and females are affected equally. Sleep paralysis has been described throughout history as I noted and it is believed to have played a role in the creation of stories about alien abduction and other paranormal events. That abduction researchers using hypnosis carried out no research is obvious as some of their cases would have been immediately solved, however, there is no money or prestige in solving cases.
The main symptom of sleep paralysis is being unable to move or speak during awakening and you may well think that you are struggling when in fact you are motionless. You may well imagine sounds such as humming, hissing, static, zapping and buzzing noises are reported during sleep paralysis. Other sounds such as voices, whispers and roars are also experienced. It has also been known that one may feel pressure on their chest and intense pain in their head during an episode. These symptoms are usually accompanied by intense emotions such as fear and panic. People also have sensations of being dragged out of bed or of flying, numbness, and feelings of electric tingles or vibrations running through their body.
Sleep paralysis may include hallucinations, such as a intruding presence or dark figure in the room, suffocating or terrifying the individual, accompanied by a feeling of pressure on one's chest and difficulty breathing.
Looking at SP and its history and treatment I would recommend Sleep Paralysis, a Medical Condition with a Diverse Cultural Interpretation authored by Esther Olunu, Ruth Kimo, Esther Olufunmbi Onigbinde, Mary-Amadeus Uduak Akpanobong, Inyene Ezekiel Enang, Mariam Osanakpo, Ifure Tom Monday, David Adeiza Otohinoyi, and Adegbenro Omotuyi John Fakoya and published in the International Journal of Applied Basic Medical Research 2018 July-September: 8(3): 137-142
Date: 26th July, 1965, Location: Carazinho, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil This is based on a report by the Brasilian UFO group S.B.E.D.V. ...
I have to say that I had thought European UFO groups might be far more cooperative than those in the United States where there is no interes...
I know of a Spanish Ufologist who was once 100% behind UFO reality and the possibility that the origins were extraterrestrial. He now dec...