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Thursday, 22 September 2022

13 March 1980 to May 1973 Judy Doraty

  This case should be studied along with that of Myrna Hanson 5th May near Houston, Texas (USA)

Judy Doraty had been driving home in a suburb from a bingo game with her daughter Cyndy Tindle, mother, sister, and brother-in-law. Suddenly, everyone in the car noticed a bright light in the sky that was pacing them. Eventually, they stopped the car by the side of the road in farmland and Judy got out of the car. When they reached another relative’s home, the time was 1-hour later than expected and the light moved in closer and the passengers and a group who came running out of the Doraty house saw a huge disc with rows of windows float silently over the house and an adjacent field. It soon shot off straight up into the sky, going from “very, very big to very, very little in a matter of seconds.”

 Above: Doraty under hypnotic regression

Afterwards, Doraty had been having vivid nightmares and unrelenting stress since the experience, something that no one else in her family seemed to be suffering. Finally, she sought medical help in 1978. That led to hypnosis with a medical doctor. In the first session, she described how a little animal was coming up in a yellow shining beam. Judy and the doctor contacted several ufo investigators and shared the hypnosis tape with APRO. They shared it with Linda M. Howe because of the cattle involved and she called Judy. At the time, she did not recall anything else besides a strange face. It took two months to convince her for the four hour hypnosis session with Dr. Spirnkle in 1980, before a TV camera.

Under hypnosis with Sprinkle, she recalled:

(There’s) like a spotlight shining down on the back of my car. And it’s like it had substance to it. I can see an animal being taken up in this. I can see it’s squirming and trying to get free. And it’s like it’s being sucked up. I can’t tell what the animal is. It’s a small animal.

Doraty remembered that she was not taken on the craft she observed, but said that when she was outside, she experienced some sort of bilocation and was present on the craft and standing by the car at the same time. The “small animal” turned out to be a very young brown and white calf, which was dissected aboard the craft by two “little men” with quick precision in a central room (of three) with a line of basins, scooped out areas for each kind of tissue. They excised tissue from the calf’s eyeball, tongue and testicles and then lowered the carcass back down in a beam of light onto the pasture, dead and mutilated.

At first, she only described strange procedures with tubes extracting tissues but mentioned no beings. Finally, she described two entities with long, claw nails and large heads. Their eyes were very large and piercing, without eyelids. No nose or mouth. They were just 90 cm tall, with very thin, pasty skin and dressed in grey, seamless overalls. 

Dr R Leo Sprinkle

They usually ignored her mental questions but also told her that they were “stationed here” and had been testing our soil, water, vegetation and animal life for quite some time. They also mentioned our nuclear testing in space and underwater. They take samples of the reproductive system from many animals to track the effects of our poisonous contamination. They even mention religion: “He is the same to them as He is to us.”

Finally, when Judy was describing under hypnosis the car trip back home, she mentioned that her daughter Cindy was not there in the car with them! Meticulous probing concluded that she also saw her aboard the ufo on a table surrounded by more strange alien beings who were putting instruments into her mouth. Judy was so upset at the sight that she came completely out of her trance to yell: “No, I don’t want to!” Under hypnosis again, she recalled that the aliens told her everything’s going to be all right but she did not believe them and somehow they mentally blocked Judy from seeing her daughter subjected to more probing (at least, that was Sprinkle’s interpretation her impossibility to describe more). Cindy apparently was NOT in the car when they arrived to their relatives’ home but appeared later.


An edited and abridged 10 minutes of this session appeared in Linda Howe’s documentary A Strange Harvest which won a 1980 Emmy Award.

Howe asked Judy to contact Cindy, then 23 and married, for an hypnosis session. Both mother and daughter resisted the suggestion… for a time.

Ten years later, Judy called Howe and said that her daughter, now 32 and divorced with three children, had moved back to Missouri with Judy was living and finally wanted to learn more. Judy claimed she had never shared her experience with Cindy. On 6 August 1990, John Carpenter regressed Cindy Tindle (once again under a TV camera for Howe’s documentary Earth Mysteries: Aliens Life Forms).and got a quite different story:


Cindy was taken out of the car by an alien that she confused with her mother. Cindy described him as 160 cm tall and “buggy” with a short, brown hair, wig and “snake eyes” She did witness the scene of the calf lifted in the beam and the two “little men” that she describes more robot-like, but then she found herself surrounded by blackness and the next scenes was inside the ufo. She was sitting on a table and two very skinny beings were around her. One pushed her down and strapped her unemotionally. He held her face still, apparently amazed at her teeth because she had braces. Something metallic was put on her forehead and she felt relaxed. They began poking her belly button, abdomen and arms and put something down her throat. They never communicate with her, but exchanged cliking sounds among them. During a second session a few days later, Cindy described a laboratory-like room filled with bottles and animal parts, including birds and one three-digit alien scrapping and slicing them.


Judy Doraty dated sketch shows alien with wide-set eyes having a vertical pupil and iris.  (UFO 4:3, p. 21)





Source: Wolf, “The Abduction of Doraty – The Perfect Case”. Archives Luis R. González.


Leo Sprinkle, case #47, “UFO Contactees: Captive collaborators or cosmic citizens”, APRO Bulletin 29:5.


FSR 47:2 p. 13 (with witness’s photo)


Linda M. Howe, An Alien Harvest (1989), pp. 300-339.


Linda M. Howe, Glimpses of Other Realities 1 (1994), pp. 199-226 & 257-8 & 308-319.


Greg Bishop, Project Beta (2005), pp. 19-20

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