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Thursday, 15 September 2022

The UFO Crash at Alencon, France


    According to Antonio Fenoglio in his article[1], he visited the Archives of the august French Academy of Sciences, Paris, and discovered the following report submitted to it[2].  In 1975, Dr Jacques Vallee quoted the account and appeared to indicate that he had seen the report himself [3].
Above: location of Alencon.

    You will no doubt be very interested in what could be the first (?) UFO crash in history. 

    During June, 1790, Police Inspector Liabeuf was sent from Paris to Alencon, west of the city (between Argentan and Le Mans).  His orders were to make a thorough investigation of a disturbing incident –some of the observers being of high standing.

    Liabeuf visited the town and the following is his report, submitted to the Academy of Sciences.

                        “At 5 A.M., on June 12th,several farmers caught         
                        sight of an enormous globe which seemed surrounded
                        with flames.   First they thought it was perhaps a
                        balloon that had caught fire, but the great velocity
                        and the whistling sound which came from that body
                        intrigued them.

                        “The globe slowed down, made some oscillations and
                        precipitated itself towards the top of a hill,
                        unearthing plants along the slope.  The heat which
                        emanated from it was so intense that soon the grass
                        and the small tree started burning.  The peasants
                        succeeded in controlling the fire which threatened
                        to spread to the whole area.

                        “In the evening this sphere was still warm and an
                        extraordinary happened, not to say an incredible
                        thing.  The witnesses were; two mayors, a doctor and three
                        other authorities who confirm my report, in addition
                        to the dozens of peasants who were present.

                        “This sphere, which would have been large enough to
                        contain a carriage, had not suffered from all that
                        flight.  It excited so much curiousity that people
                        came from all parts to see it.  Then all of a sudden
                        a kind of door opened and, there is the interesting
                        thing,a person like us came out of it, but this person
                        “was dressed in a strange way, wearing a tight-fitting suit
                        and, seeing all that crowd, said some words which were
                        not understood and fled into the woods.  Instinctively,
                        the peasants stepped back, in fear, and this saved
                        them because soon after that the sphere exploded in
                        silence, throwing pieces everywhere, and these pieces
                        burned until they were reduced to powder.

                        “Researches were initiated to find the mysterious
                        man, but he seemed to have dissolved.”

    Dr Vallee, a respected scientist who has spoken before the United Nations, cites this case as evidence of visitors from some other world.  Dr Vallee notes the many similarities to modern accounts of “UFOs”.

Dr Jacques Vallee -Messenger of Deception?

    The question is; does this report exist?  Fenoglio wrote his article circa 1967 so we know that the document was, allegedly, still in existence then.  Inspector Liabeuf’s report either exists or was fiction created by Fenoglio and it is scientifically important that the reality of it is ascertained once and for all.  After all,the report had many features from modern UFO accounts: the landed object followed by an entity appearing and the explosion totally destroying the object.  Even the description of the clothing worn by the entity is typical of modern accounts.

    What this meant was simple: people in 1790 France could not possibly know of post 1947 accounts of UFOs and Liabeuf’s report would be a major kick in the teeth to the anti-UFO brigade.
    Above: Alencon in more modern times

A document was forwarded to the Keeper of the Archives, French Academy of Sciences, on 9th January, 2006.  It took a while but rather than hearing that the report had been found I was told that no such report existed or reference to it found.  Fenoglio seems to have been the only person ever to have seen the report leading to the conclusion that this was yet another UFO hoax. Fenoglio was in fact a well known UFO hoaxer -this was known in the 1960s.

    I forwarded a copy of my report to Dr. Vallee’s last known contact point but nothing so far.

    This was a real disappointment to me, though I should have expected it.


[1]         Fenoglio,A.,”Ancient Sky Visitors”,Clypeus magazine III,p.13 [quoting]~
[2]         “Archives of the Academy of Sciences,Paris,France”           
[3]         Vallee,Dr Jacques,Passport To Magonia,Tandem Books,London,

[4]          AOP Bureau Case Reference No.022/06/1790/FR

Taken from Some Things Strange And Sinister by Terry Hooper-Scharf

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