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Friday, 23 September 2022


In UFO Contact? One of the cases that I wanted to shoot down was that of Travis Walton.
Well, the UFO bunko TV celebrities keep pushing the Walton story as well as that of the Hills. You would think there had only ever been two such cases and both in the United states. I did not set out with a conclusion already in my head as that is not research but debunking. My intention was to look at the case from "outside Ufology" and look at the anecdotal evidence since there was no actual physical evidence.
The debunkers attack Walton and the others from every angle and Phillip Klass even attempted to bribe a false confession to prove it all a hoax. Unfortunately, at every turn the only thing I found was that the debunkers were made to look worse than any "UFO hoaxer" and their credibility and angles fell apart.
That was slightly annoying since I had assumed that after 40+ years someone would have seriously dented the case.
I am not talking about that 'film maker' who guested on three of Erica Lukes' podcasts and gas-lighted everyone and was not even hiding it. Hey, the area, 4 5 years on, looks different than it did in 1975 so that proves it was all a hoax seemed to be the argument and one of Walton's companions that night...age and recall was poor but he was pushed and twisted to prove it was a hoax.

I tried a couple avenues others had not looked into and...
I was frustrated to be honest. The more I looked into the case the more convincing it seemed. In fact I even started re-writing the book a couple times thinking I must have missed something.
Then there are the interviews with Walton and although he has become more adept at hiding the body language when re-telling the account the eyes cannot be hidden and they say a lot. Critics argue that Walton does not get worked up when he is criticised or his account attacked. He has come to accept it happened and moved on but those questions are still in his head. Questions that cannot be answered.
The important thing is that we have all of the original interviews and material from the 1970s. What has come out in more recent times is Walton trying to work out what happened? Why did it happen? That leads to speculation and it is to be expected.
Even Mona Stafford (Liberty, Kentucky abduction) a few years back was visibly still shaken by what happened to her and her companions and had so many questions.
Is Travis Walton a fraud? He has not become rich from what happened and he wants to make money from the experience? Why not because so many in Ufology, TV and movies have made a lot of money out of his account. He's not getting any younger and no one is paying him a big fee.
If Walton is a fraud then he should have been a professional actor and though actors can feign "the look" the genuine thing cannot be "put on". I cannot prove that he was abducted by aliens and I have tried (and failed) to prove that he was not. In such a case you can only go by the gut feeling you get. I think Walton underwent an experience that affected him for decades after. Aliens? Only Walton and his companions saw the UFO and only Walton was "abducted".
ONLY they know 100%

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