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Sunday, 11 September 2022

Winter 1976/1977? Wealdstone-Harrow, Middlesex

The big problem in Ufology is that often there are people with agendas or, as with Arthur Shuttlewood and Warminster, dates and other necessary details are omitted.

Peter Paget  UFOs The Welsh Triangle, Panther, London, 1979: p.48

“In February, 1977, Vera Partington, of Harrow, Middlesex had reported to me an encounter with a very similar figure (to one seen at Ripperston Farm, Wales –THS) on the road between Wealdstone and Harrow, one winter’s evening at 10.30.  She was driving from Harrow Weald to her home at Harrow-on-the-Hill, along the darkened road, when her car’s headlights picked out a huge silversuited (sic) man.

Above: one of a number of illoes used to show what the Ripperston Farm entity looked like.

“She vividly remembers: ‘He was walking down the centre of the footpath, going in our direction, wearing what looked like a silver, all-in-one wet suit or diver’s suit.  He was about 6 ft tall and on the top of his helmet was what appeared to be an aerial about 8 in high.  His walk seemed to be a sort of dogged plodding, with his arms swinging about a foot away from his body.  I turned round quickly to catch a glimpse of his front, but too late, we were round the bend of the road and out of sight.’

“The drawing that she supplied of her ‘spaceman’ showed that he had a helmet coming down to his shoulders, encasing his head, in exactly the same manner as the figures in Wales.”

Note by THS: It is assumed, as this is the focus of this book, that “Winter” refers to that of 1976/1977 as no specific month is given.

No images are contained in what is a hodge-podege pot-boiler somewhat in the style of Arthur Shuttlewood's Warminster books.

“Our direction” and “we” use seems to indicate that someone else was with the witness.  Therefore this would be an incident involving at least two people.

12  10  18 a response from Peter Paget.

It took a while but I eventually received a response from Peter Paget. Here is my email to him and his far from helpful response.

 Hello, Mr Paget.

I am currently updating the UK CE3K and entity reports catalogue and wondered whether you might still have details passed on to you by Vera Partington? You wrote "Winter" and I wondered whether an exact month was given?

Also, she writes "We" and "our" so can you confirm Ms Partington was not alone in the car?

My final question is whether you still have a copy of the drawing she made of the entity she saw?

Apologies for all the questions. My thanks in advance.

Hi Terry,

Do you mean Mrs Bowles?  See may books for all the data you need. It is all there, nothing missed out. That is all I have. Original material was destroyed in one of the 'raids' .......     "Of no defence significance....!!!"   Ha  !

Retired now. The Trilogy of updated books are all done and published. Not writing any more. No more data and not collecting any more. Presentations on line and on Kerry's site and some on Mile's Bases 48 etc. Now getting to be 73. Done enough.

Kindest Regards,


Since I stated quite clearly the case I was interested in, and it was NOT the Bowles case, I can only assume either he could not be bothered reading the email or...he was just being unhelpful since he was promoting the reprinting of his books I guess he was not interested in cooperating -in fact he makes that clear.

Was this a genuine report? If by any chance it was and if by a million to one shot Ms Partington ever reads this...please get in touch.

As an end note I ought to make it clear that I do not believe any official raid took place to snatch research work since other than the pot-boiler books I am unaware of Paget having carried out any real UFO research and he was certainly not interested in the 1980s.

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