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Thursday, 22 September 2022

June 1980 Torver, Cumbria

John Hanson  Haunted Skies vol. 8  p. 103


Mary Sinton, owner of a B&B Farm, told Hanson about an encounter while on a camping holiday:

“I was with my boyfriend, Paul, at the time, and returning back to the campsite in our Hillman Imp car, along the A593, Ambleside to Coniston Road (Grid ref: Long 323, Lat 999/8, No. 7 English Lakes, SE area)  As we turned a bend in the road, close to the campsite, I was astonished to see  nine tall ‘figures’. Stood in a group of trees near the side of the road, caught in the glare of the spotlights fitted to the Hillman Imp I was travelling in.


“I estimated they were at least 7ft tall and identically dressed, wearing silver-white coloured helmets and body armour, carrying what looked like a rod, carried vertically in front of each of them –reminding me of a regiment of soldiers, stood to attention on the parade ground.

“As we drove past, I left it for a few seconds and then shouted out, in great excitement, ‘Did you see them, Paul?’  One look at his face confirmed he had, although, oddly, he had only seen one ‘figure’.  When we arrived at the campsite, we felt very nervous and had trouble sleeping, wondering if anything else was going to happen.


Sketch of  the figure made by the witness

“The next morning, we discussed what had happened and wondered whether we should let the police know but, on reflection, thought they would never believe us”.

Hanson spoke to Paul who confirmed the events given by Sinton. He told Hanson:

“It was the most unusual thing I have ever seen in my life.  It defies explanation”.

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