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Wednesday, 21 September 2022

"Would yield more information about the UFO Problem"


As I have noted before -and on the CE3K/AE Face Book page- Ted Bloecher led the field from the 1950s when it came to "Humanoid" (or not humanoid) reports.  When the 1960s found more such reports emerging there were two civilian UFO organisations, well, one when you think about it: APRO run by James and (mainly) Coral Lorenzen and NICAP headed by Donald E. Keyhoe (infiltrated and eventually destroyed from within by the CIA...sound familiar to recent UAP stuff?).

NICAP dismissed such reports though some of its members did look into them. APRO looked into the various accounts and not just from the United States but from around the world. In 1974 I explained that it was well and good recording lights in the sky (LITS) and fly overs but if we knew who or what was controlling these craft (when any other explanation was rule out) we might get a better idea of what was going on.

In a couple of years I will have been studying CE3K/AE reports for 50 years which is frightening to think of the years I've spent on this. All unfunded, although I have tried and failed.

I just received a reprint (not the best but trying to get an original copy in the UK is impossible) of the Lorenzens' 1977 book Abducted! Confrontations With Beings From Outer Space. It has certain quality issues but it shows how far ahead they were of those who later destroyed the research (Hopkins, Jacobs, Carpenter and others). There are no photographs or illustrations, I was sure that there was in the original but that copy was stolen back in 1979!

Anyway, I found a paragraph in the Foreword by the couple of interest:

    "In 1967 we wrote a book entitled Flying Saucer Occupants which enjoyed brisk sales. But, as we were to learn in later years, it was "ahead of its time." One of our colleagues who reviewed the book for a UFO journal labeled it "just another wild book." However, our judgement seems to have been vindicated.  In 1975, the same fellow, writing this time in a large circulation magazine, admitted that investigation of cases involving close encounters with UFO occupants and "abductions" would yield more information about the UFO problems than the fly-over, hovering, or landed UFO cases."

We had such hopes but the abduction crew threw everything away to get themselves celebrity and money.  As I have written before, you can still find people claiming to be 25, 30 or 35 years "Ufology veterans" who sit and shake their heads and state "And then we have the little guys -what's that all about?" Just what have they been doing for 25-35 years??

There was no crash at Aurora in the 19th century -that has been proven beyond doubt. Roswell? No. Spitzbergen -no. We have seen the Flatwoods report, like the Kelly event and even "Mothman" be rebooted and altered and so many 'eye-witnesses' never heard of before popping up to give 'new' information that the original reports mean nothing. Annual pop culture events surround each of these events. 

I am not (I seriously cannot be!) the only one studying these reports and I hope that, like myself, any other researcher is find the correlations in accounts from around the world. 

I'll continue until..they close the lid on me.

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