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Saturday, 24 September 2022

Frankfurt, 1960 -The Kaufmann Case

   In the spring of 1960, at around 20:30 hours, Klaus-Dieter Kaufmann, then 14 years old, was on his way home after a trip to the cinema; he lived at that time on the western outskirts of Frankfurt. Arriving at a point between the Ackermann-School and the athletic field near the Friedrich Ebert-Settlement, he suddenly noticed a Saturn-shaped "star" in the sky next to the moon. This ‘star’ was about one third of the apparent Moon size and, through the view-finder of his box camera, which contained no film, he first looked at the moon and then at the Saturn-like object. The ring, or disc, was subdivided into several rings. The device glistened like "iridescent metal" and seemed to be hovering above the area between the freight yard and the River Main.


   While he was standing there looking at the sky, a whitish mist began to form behind the high wire fence to his right and then began to emit strongly focussed beams of light: one was directed at him. The glare was so strong that he could not even protect his eyes with his hands and he then lost consciousness.


   When Kaufmann woke up he found that both the light and the mist had vanished and several entities were seen in the distance. He recovered his camera and noticed that the Saturn-shaped object in the sky had remained in its original position but the Moon had made a "jump to one side".  


Above: a 1993 drawing by Kaufmann of the Saturn-shaped UFO he saw


   However, feeling unwell he just wanted to get back home; looking at his watch it showed 20:30 hours. On arriving home he found that his parents had not yet returned and that his brothers and sisters were already in bed asleep.  He then turned on the radio and heard the Midnight news. If that was not enough of a shock when he looked out of the window he saw the Saturn-shaped object emitting a short white beam of light which moved up and down. Suddenly the objects colour changed to a dark orange; becoming darker and darker until it vanished completely.

   For three days Kaufmann suffered from a severe headache and an inability to concentrate and there was a sore spot on his spine near the pelvis with what looked to be a puncture wound. Eventually, Kaufmann forgot his sighting and his fainting spell, but the wound on his back continued to hurt from time to time.

   In 1990 an operation had to be performed on Kaufmann’s spine at the hospital in Offenbach. For reasons he failed to understand the physician assumed this to be the second operation and asked Kaufmann about the date of the first operation. Although Kaufmann replied that there had been no previous surgical treatment, the X-rays clearly showed an operation channel at the point in question. This made Kaufmann try to recall once again when the pain in his back had first occurred: his memory of events 30 years before gradually began to return.

   He recalled that the light which had come out of the mist and blinded him had not immediately caused him to faint but had put him into a trance-like state.  Then several small, stocky individuals about 1.50 m tall, wearing close-fitting ‘diving suits’ and carrying silver-coloured boxes on their chest and back, had stepped out of the mist. Their feet and necks were relatively long; the heads were small and bald and the backs of their heads merged with their necks. Chin, nose, and mouth were not strongly developed but they had prominent eyes and muscular arms and thighs. Their feet resembled flippers and seemed to have only two large toes. Some of the entities were females –noted as they possessed large breasts- but they, too, were bald. The entities walked fast and purposefully but with a jerky-gait and they carried their arms at an angle like soldiers.

   While he was still blinded Kaufmann had felt a touch and sensed that one of the entities had asked him to come closer: he felt that he did this but of his own free will. He felt great affection for this particular entity and as a wire fence separated them he decided to try to climb over it.  He thought he heard the suggestion that he should come down and stand next to the fence; this he did and felt that he was lifted up - or was he able to float.  Up in the air a glowing sphere, covered with a net-like structure, kept growing larger as it approached him –he did not notice a ring around the sphere.


Above: drawn by K. D. Kaufmann in 1993 of entity type that abducted him inn the spring of 1961


   One might ask if this encounter was genuine and just how much of the decision to get closer to the entity was down to his free will as there is the possibility of manipulation in these cases.

   Recovering his eyesight, Kaufmann then remembers having been in a domed room immersed in bright, yellowish light; the dome itself was a faint yellow colour. He was in a sort of dentist's chair and in front of him was a large, round entrance leading out into the open. Lined up along the wall in front of him, with their backs towards him, were several greyish-green entities. They were gripping handles on the wall and performed pumping up and down movements.

   Some of the entities filled him with fear but he either cannot or will not remember what these individuals looked like. Close in front of him was an entity that looked at him –it had over-sized eyes with white eyeballs and small, dark pupils. This entity reached into his mouth with thin, leathery, webbed fingers and seemed to try to pull out his teeth. Kaufmann felt nauseous. Another one of the entities loosened his trouser belt and tried to remove his pants.

   The entities talked to each other and Kaufmann thought that he could clearly distinguish male and female voices.  He believed they talked about "killing it” and was on the verge of tears and terribly afraid when he noticed a small, grey entity among the others with a huge, bald head with enormous, almond-shaped brown-black shining eyes, wrinkled skin and a small, narrow mouth but no nose or ears. In contrast to the other entities it seemed to be “kindly disposed” towards him and appeared to be curious rather than aggressive. It indicated to him that he would be allowed to return home.

   The percipient once again felt that he floated through the air and was set down next to the fence. To him it seemed that he was being carried as he heard heavy breathing behind him –“as if someone were using a snorkel" and reaching back he felt a belt around a waist. Some force pushed his hand back and he then passed out. His next recollection was waking, looking at his watch and going home.

Above: Drawing by Kaufmann of a typical entity type seen during the abduction.

   This is an interesting report and I have been unable to ascertain whether a doctor confirmed that there seemed to be evidence of a back operation of some kind having been performed. With no secondary witness –not even to confirm his arriving home very late it is a case worth noting but all rests on the statement by the alleged percipient.


Above: drawing by K. D. Kaufmann of the entity that examined him: one of the 4 fingers was used as a thumb. Webbing was seen between the fingers.

Full account plus other cases from Germany can be found in Contact: Encounters with Extra-Terrestrial Entities?

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