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Friday, 9 September 2022

Review -UFOs The Ultimate Abduction: We Are Property -Raymond E. Fowler


  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Mindstir Media (22 Sept. 2020
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 410 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1735478571
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1735478579
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 15.24 x 2.39 x 22.86 cm

This book addresses and answers a rampant question within UFOlogy, whether UFOS are physical or psychic in nature. In my early days as a UFO investigator I would throw UFO reports that contained paranormal phenomena in the proverbial wastebasket. My position, etched in the halls of Congress, was that UFOS were machine-like physical craft from another star system. However, as time went by, I watched in dismay as several respected UFO researchers moved from a physical to a psychic interpretation of the UFO phenomenon. Little did I know then that my own view would also slowly but surely be honed to accommodate ever deeper levels of the psychic components triggered by the UFO experience.

Stringed to together by amazing synchronicities, I became obsessed, one after the other with UFO Abductions, Out-of-the-body experiences, Near Death Experiences, After Death Communications, Quantum Physics, and the Time Slip Phenomenon. Studies of these phenomena led me to the startling conclusion that they, and UFOS, are interconnected and all part of one encompassing metaphenomenon. I concluded that UFOS originate from the dimension NDErs describe and that we are transitory citizens of that world of Light who shuffle back and forth between a particle dimension and a wave (light) dimension through reincarnation.

The UFO abductions reflect UFO entities monitoring and caring for the human particle form in preparation for their metamorphosizing by OBES into a new body of light in the afterlife dimension. The robed human-appearing entities that greed NDErs at the world of light appear to be controlling this process and to be genetically related to humans. PLES on the other hand reflect physical humans returning and repeating this process by reincarnation as part of a natural constant inter-balanced exchange between matter and energy - between particle and wave. Inconceivable as this might be to the reader, the final analysis reached by the author is that UFOS represent a final abduction for one’s current life and that we are property!

Fowler notes how he, like others in Ufology would dismiss anyone reporting a UFO twice or multiple times as crap pots. Also dismissed were reports of people encountering entities. This is true even outside the United States. I have previously written about how, in the 1970s right up to the 1990s I would be mocked and called (never to my face) the "UFO Nut" ("UFO Naut" -they thought it was funny!). We lost a tremendous amount of data and cases because of this attitude. The Ufologists were "nuts and bolts" men who chased reports of UFOs but did not even think what or who might be piloting them -an incredible lack of logical thinking and if a reported UFO did not "fit" in with the rest then....put it in the bin.

When confronted by accounts of alien entity encounters -CE3Ks- Ufologists tended to be totally unprepared. Their mindset was not to ponder the "Who's in the UFO" but here they were being confronted by reports such as the Hills, Walton and Andreasson. Abductions. Just as there is a fear amongst many astronomers and even those working in the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence of aliens being proven to exist so there was a fear amongst Ufologists of entity cases being real -some even jumped into bed with debunkers (not literally!) and added extras that they made up or had heard to ridicule the accounts. Even in 2022 there are 25 and 35 year "UFO veterans" who ask "What are these reports of the little guys about?" (they need to read my books)/

Fowler came from that nuts and bolts group and admits it freely.  Reading this nook was almost painful.  I feel that the Andreasson Affair was a classic in Ufology. We have the classic case history of how a person becomes an 'abductee' -Karla Turner's books are really must reading for this as it shows how everything from the "trigger" to believing even the minutest incident may involve alien intervention. I believe that Turner was genuine in her claims but the evidence is that she had Ruth Syndrome (again, read my first CE3K book (UFO Contact?) for a full explanation and case samples).

With the Andreasson Affair we have another perfect case study and all that it entails from coincidences, dreams and altered states all intermixed with religious belief. In this case Fowler has documented what should be considered a classic and must reading.

The book itself (UFOs The Ultimate Abduction: We Are Property) is far more than a book about UFO abductions. It tells us about how Fowler had a UFO sighting as a child and how he eventually got into Ufology, the attitudes that prevailed, how the CIA destroyed NICAP from within (a classic case of counter intelligence infiltration and taking over an organisation/subject), the Condon Committee, USAF Project Blue Book as well as some very interesting UFO cases. On that side of things this is, again, must reading for people interested in UFO history and wanting to find out about Fowler's involvement in these matters.

The section where he turns to abductions is where people may have their minds blown.  There are cases where there is sleep paralysis as well as altered states involved and all the classic symptoms are there and yet these seem to be dismissed "because of the UFO involvement" and with that response eyes should start rolling. 

Why are 'abductees' finding synchronicity in the times that they wake up? Yes, again, this is a subject mentioned and it is almost as though people tend to not research or read up on things. Your body's internal clock (yes, we all have one) is controlled by an area of the brain called the SCN (suprachiasmatic nucleus). The SCN is located in the hypothalamus. The SCN is sensitive to signals of dark and light. The optic nerve in your eyes senses the morning light. The Circadian rhythms form a basic “schedule” for our bodies that cause us to wake up at roughly the same time each day- provided that you live a relatively routine life and many things can throw this off including stress.

No aliens involved.

The striking case for me was that of the Lebels and what appeared to be a long term study of them and their property.  It made me think, to a degree, of the Coombs farm in Wales during the 1970s. Reading this was like reading an old style CE3K account and, as Fowler suggests, there may have been far more involved but once the family moved on that ended the matter. In Ufology this is a big problem; once the initial account is compiled the case is closed. There are practical problems; you want to keep a property under surveillance in some way even if just asking the new owners to report anything unusual how do you approach those new owners? "Hi. You do not know me and I can guarantee you I am not insane but I am a UFO investigator and the previous owners used to see aliens in and around the home and property---" at that point the door probably slams in your face and you go sit in your car and wait for the police responders to ask you questions.

Now I did write that this should be a classic for another reason and that is because we see how Fowler went from nuts and bolts to becoming a 'UFO abductee' himself.  Everything is circumstantial and even people he was with cannot confirm what he claims to have seen -this for many tends to add that touch of "alien interference" and tends never to be questioned. That Fowler resigned from MUFON after believing he was an abductee was the correct thing to do and the reason is simple; he was head of MUFON Director of Investigations and could be "led" by any aliens to dismiss reports and totally taint research (this MUFON eventually did themselves without the aid of aliens). So, however improbable that seems it was the right move.

Leo Sprinkle dealt with many abductees via hypnosis but then believed it possible that telepathy between the subject-hypnotist-UFO investigator might taint what the subject was telling them. For that reason he stopped but something else also caused him to retire from that line of work (what he thought could taint subjects accounts if telepathy were at work) -he believed that he, too, was an abductee.  Sprinkle felt that there were signs of his being an abductee but these seem, as in Fowler's case, to be circumstantial at best. 

I'm prone to sleep paralysis, I sleep irregularly and wake at specific times when I do sleep -am I a UFO abductee? No. I have seen up to five light phenomenon in my adult life -I can account for every second: no missing time.  My parents observed a UFO in Germany just before I was born -am I an abductee and were they? No. It goes on and on and it is the trick the mind plays because it takes common events and things and then plays a game of dot-to-dot so that the picture you make is not of a bunny rabbit sitting in profile but of a 'Zeta Reticulan" beckoning you with a long finger.

A few incidents Fowler mentions from his later years had me cringing and concerned but none had anything to do with UFOs.  We also see how Fowler has led himself to intermix UFOs, abductions and "synchronicities" with Near Death Experiences and Out of Body Experiences and the conclusions are completely illogical. Out of Body abductions and then the hypnotic regressing adults (who have accumulated decades of TGVF and media accounts of UFOs) to something they believe they remember from when they were a 2 year old...a three year old and even before. That is a mockery on so many levels and showing total misuse of hypnosis.

Is it any wonder that Fowler then takes the stance of the discredit Jacobs and claims "We are property" and that aliens control our minds and spirits to the point of not just physical abductions but out of body abductions?  Fowler notes Andreasson's Christian belief but also his own "fundamental Christian" belief that caused him to argue with his father when he recounted odd events and called them of "Satanic origin".  I have seen this so many times since 1974; rational people who cannot explain aspects of UFO reports as nuts and bolts jumping to the conclusion that "UFOs are paranormal" and some go as far as to call on the fictitious Satan as the source of it all. 

This was a fascinating read but probably not for the reasons I had thought when I purchased the book. The same facets of UFOs that make some -some- astronomers and scientists ridicule the subject can also make some Ufologists 'abductees'.

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