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Thursday, 22 September 2022

Abducted: Confrontations With Beings From Outer Space - Astonishing Accounts of Humans Captured By UFOs

This book is available on Amazon and I wrote a quick product review:
I grew up reading the Lorenzens work on CE3K and abductions as they were, after Ted Bloecher, the only serious researchers studying this aspect of the subject. Their books are always highly readable but this reprint is...not up to the original. I recall the original printing had photographs in it and some illustrations. This copy does not. Production wise these are scanned pages fitted onto a page and so the quality varies from sharply defined text to faded and when I heard a crack I realised that the book had no proper guttering allowing the reader to open it up fully to read each page. In this day and age a good guttering should be simple enough and you should be able to read each page without damaging the book spine.

As for the subject matter it is presented well and that is to be expected since Coral Lorenzen was in total control of not just APRO but, I understand, the books themselves. In the past I have been critical of the methods the couple used -particularly of the "truth drug" (really). But as someone else has noted, the Lorenzens and APRO were independent researchers (unlike the CIA infiltrated NICAP which would not look at these reports) and for that reason the book is one that is invaluable because it is not tainted with the fakery and "stacking the decks" nor the scandal surrounding Hopkins, Jacobs and Carpenter. This is old school CE3K research and as it is hard to find an original copy it is invaluable for researchers despite the production. It will sit alongside Flying Saucer Occupants on my research shelf!

Unfortunately the UK is not the place to be if you are attempting to buy UFO books now and sellers on Ebay and Amazon UK know this and ask for ridiculously inflated prices. This book, however, in the original printing, cannot be found so despite the problems noted with the scanned reprint version is the book worth it?


The Lorenzens note the (at the time) new discoveries of memory loss as with the Hills and this is looked at in some details. The Patty Price case is very interesting and I have to say that, despite it being written about in the late 1970s, it is quite obscure but the details are fascinating.

The Higdon case is dealt with in detail alongside those of Charles Moody, Travis Walton, he Liberty, Kty case (here under the title "The Casey County Abduction")Sandra Larson (The North Dakota Abduction) and that of David Stephenson and his friend (The Maine Abduction) and other cases are mentioned in passing as the Lorenzens search for comparisons. I have to say that the entities reported by Stephenson do not bear and resemblance to the ones in the Walton and Moody cases (which do match).

The Lorenzens also note the very common "floating not walking" factor in these abductions which is possible but I still have very grave doubts about moving through solid objects such as walls.

There is a transcript of the pre-polygraph interview with Walton and Dr R. Leo Sprinkle looks at hypnotic time regression procedures use in such cases.

Here is where I disagree with the Lorenzens; in their conclusion they state that they believe hypnosis will be invaluable in such cases and has exciting possibilities for the future. Sadly, those who continued on after the Lorenzens (we know who they are so let's not name them again) abused hypnosis techniques and created a false narrative that derailed mainstream research on the subject for 30 years. Ignoring the abuse of hypnosis I believe there are other problems.

Hypnosis should not be used to start digging into a percipients memory and despite what some outside the UK may think, the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA) became a spent force more than a decade ago.; There is the idea that "BUFORA says no use of hypnosis" and every claimed Ufologist in the country has stopped using it. They have not and there are some I have grave doubts about.

The use of hypnosis should be use when the supressed memory or time lapse is causing serious psychological or physiological problems for the percipient. Even then the technique should be used to first -above all else- alleviate the mental or physical problems. That in itself may well help the percipient recall things.  

If you are unfamiliar with the cases dealt with or gain most of your knowledge on, say, the Walton case via You Tube then get this book. It may well surprise you.

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