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Sunday, 4 September 2022

"What Happened to the Posts?"


Exactly what I said would happen months ago. Someone was not reading the posts properly, were they?

I post a feature such as a report or long general article and I leave it up for 48 hours, sometimes I leave it a little longer. When, after that time, I see only 10 or 12 people have checked it and there is no response or comment it gets reverted back to a draft. Reverting it back to a draft means that those info thieves online can stop stealing and using my original research work.

As I have noted before -in 2021, 2020 and 2019- I am not indulging info thieves. Some of the posts may well form chapters in later books and though the books might not sell they provide proof of who did all the work that was stolen online.

Imagine you work all week and then when its time for that pay cheque you are told "Charlie says he did the work so we are paying him."  All the hours you worked and the effort you put in and Charlie gets the credit (even though you have no idea who Charlie is) and the money and praise.  Unfair? Yep, but its an example of how internet thievery works. A couple weeks back I posted a long report and added in photos and maps -many months of research. By the next day that work was chopped up and used by three others who also added fake info that will now go as 'fact'. Lots of congrats on all the work and effort.

You see what I mean?

So I delete posts after a certain time.

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