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Monday, 5 September 2022

Important Announcement


 I was up until around 0400 hrs and made a decision.

When you have poured decades into work that goes into a book (we are talking the "World Mystery" and UFO books) and you try to keep that book at a low price to encourage buyers that is a publisher decision and I made it.

When a £20.00 book brings in 75p that is far from good. Put it this way; if people went buy crazy and purchased 100 copies of a book I would not even get £100 -only £75 (if you are American just think of £ as $).

As it happens the sales have been so bad because no one recommends them and there is no word-of-mouth to let people know about them.

My posts on the books have been seen, as of today, by just under 1 million people. No sales.

So I have decided that this cannot go on.

I am going to withdraw the books from the online store and see whether I can get a publisher or agent and if I cant well people haver had between 12-5 years to purchase the books so no one is going to miss them. You will NOT find them on Amazon nor on Ebay because those sellers have to buy them from me and generally add up to £10/$10 to the cost and that is why I blocked that (also selling on Amazon would earn me less than 75p a copy).

The books will be gone and I am not that worried because they are doing nothing anyway. People are more illiterate these days and do not read and, in fact, when they do they prefer fantasy substituted for fact.

Big weight off my shoulders and the albatross will be gone.

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