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Monday, 19 September 2022

20th November, 1968 Staffordshire


   One might assume that Ufologists in the UK knew of this old case, however, I have not come across one who does which is a pity. The Ufologists involved in this were N. M. H. Turner and W. Daniels and their report was published in Flying Saucer Review (“The Milakovic Report”, FSR vol. 15 no.1, January 1969: pp. 2-3).

   On the 20th November, 1968, a Yugoslavian couple, Milin and Doris Milakovic along with their son Slavic (11), were driving to their home of 432 Cannock Road, Hednesford, on a farm road across fields, near Hanbury, Staffordshire. Hednesford was described as “a rather small, drab town surrounded by mine workings and not far from the southern end of Cannock Chase.

   Trio had left Hednesford on a house-hunting trip, journeyed through the countryside to Rugeley, Abbots Bromley, and on the road home stopped at Hanbury to view Hanbury Hall, to look at an old house. They were on the Staffordshire-Derbyshire border, midway between Uttoxeter and Burton-on-Trent; there was an Army Central Workshop 3.5 miles to the northwest and a  Royal Air Force ammunition dump 2 miles to the northwest as well as a World War IT airfield used by the Ind Coope brewery firm for light aircraft 2 miles to the south.  The time was between 17:30 – 17:45 hrs and dusk was rapidly approaching.


   They first noticed a rabbit running away in the field on their left, then soon several more rabbits fleeing from a hedge on the left side of the road. They then noticed in the field on their left a brilliant object. It was at this point that Mr. Milakovic stopped the car to look at the object as it rose slowly and then flew above the car. All three had now left the car to watch the object and Doris noticed the air temperature felt much warmer as the object flew overhead and then decreased again as it flew away.


 Above a sketch made of the Milakovic object

   The object continued flying over the field to their right and then hovered over a house some 100 yards away; Doris specified that the object appeared to be as wide as the house below it.  Here the object quivered "like jelly" –possible heat haze? As for the shape of the object it had a dark bowl-shaped bottom with a clear dome on top. This dome was divided into vertical thirds – one third showing white light, one third, amber light, and the final third, green light.  Inside the lit dome area several humanoid figures were seen moving around and sometimes appeared to bend down as though looking at something below the rim. The trio observed all of this for an estimated 5 minutes.

   After that period of time the object began moving up in a "pulsating or jerky" movement; its light intensity greatly increased and Mr. Milakovic felt his eyes were burning. Mr. Milakovic, normally a brave man, became frightened and pushed both his wife and son into the car and drove away quickly.

   The object made no sound during the entire sighting. The wristwatches of the couple which had been working perfectly before the sighting had, afterwards, been running slow and it was suggested that they might have become magnetise. The Milakovic car was not tested for residual magnetism.  But there is, again, no chronology. We know roughly when the trio were in the car and that at some point they saw the rabbits which drew their attention to the object. There is an estimated 5 minutes of watching the object and entities within but no one seems to have asked at what time the family arrived home.  This could be important for certain reasons.

   Firstly, Mr Milakovic, when driving around with the investigators to find the house with what he thought was an aircraft hangar nearby could not find it. He seems to have become quite worked up over this and then claimed a certain spot to be the locale. He did not think it necessary to go back out with investigators again as he decided the place he picked was correct. Doris had pointed out a location with a house that she was sure was the site of the incident. It should be pointed out that on their journey before the sighting they had to stop and ask an elderly couple for directions. Mr Milakovic was certain the incident had taken place near an airfield.  Slavic would offer nothing as he did not wish to contradict his father.

   All of this confusion regarding location in itself could just be down to losing their way, though both were adamant on the sites they had pointed out.  We then have the second point to note. Mr Milakovic was described as being a fairly brave individual and he had been watching the object with his wife and son but, and only at this point, when the object moved away and the light from it increased and hurt his eyes (“felt as though his eyes were burning”) did he become “thoroughly alarmed”. Doris and Slavic felt a mixture of excitement, curiosity and apprehension. As they drove off the object was still over the field.

   Did more happen to the trio? We will never know because there appears never to have been a follow-up. There were reported threatening phone calls to keep away from the airfield and a group of students were supposed to turn up to take photographs and ask questions but never did.



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