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Sunday, 11 September 2022



Brief summary of the event and follow-up:

Probably based on the newspaper article in La Montagne, ufologists noted that in the night from July 8 to 9, 1978, an unnamed motorist approaching of Lempdes in the Puy-of-Dome saw a sharp white gleam at some 300 meters of him on the road.

He first thought it was a road accident, with lights of police cars or ambulances.


When he arrived on the spot, in a turn of the road, he saw that the gleam came from a mass of approximately five meters in height, with a rounded top, surmounted by a white light almost dazzling, with the base hidden by the rise of ground just at the edge of the road.


The motorist then did not know anymore what that could be, and while passing by at slow pace, at the level of this mass, he saw silhouettes of normal human shape, helmeted and wearing tight-fitted clothing he compared to astronauts outfits. The figures were inside the mass, visible through a transparent wall.

When he looked back little further, there was nothing to see anymore.

He arrived home, and his wife and his mother told him that they had seen two mysterious luminous points in the sky close to their home. One was orange red, the other green, and they disappeared after ten seconds at an amazing speed, separating after several sudden zigzag.

It was at this time that the motorist thought that what he had seen at the edge of the road was perhaps a "UFO".

The next day, he went back on the place of the sighting with his family, and at the entry of a dirt track, on a slope, he found the high grass lying as under the effect of a violent wind blow, the grass or the bushes not being burned nor broken. On the ground, there was a deep mark of triangular form of 60 to 70 cm on side, like that of a triangular support which would have been hollow in its center.

According to the traces, the craft must have measured approximately three meters in diameter, and had been right under a power line.

The radar sets of the nearby airfield had recorded nothing special.

There was an investigation by the ufology group GEOVNI; which concluded that the case was "non-identified."




[Ref. it1:] I. TAHON:

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