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Saturday, 24 September 2022

A Few Thoughts

Barney and Betty Hill were an American couple who claimed they were abducted by extra-terrestrials in a rural portion of the state of New Hampshire from 19th to 20th September, 1961.

That was 61 years ago.

Travis Walton was the percipient alleged alien abduction UFO on 5th November, 1975.

That was 47 years ago.

This is, as far as most Ufologist and especially the UFO celebrity bunko men are concerned is it. Some may  pass over the Antonio Villas Boas case quickly; they tend mainly to concentrate on the United States as that sells well to American viewers and media. Also these two cases have so much information that it is easy for them to work out a power point presentation of the bare facts.

The Pascagoula Incident in which Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker claimed they were abducted by aliens while fishing near Pascagoula, Mississippi, took place on the 11th October, 1973.

That was 49 years ago.

Hickson and Parker, the Hills and Walton are mentioned ad nauseum though the Pascagoula case tends to be less mentioned.

Why does the Liberty, Kentucky abduction of three women that, as in the Hills case, have independent corroboration of sorts (no one saw the actual abduction) never get mentioned? There are other cases of course but the same old same old UFO "celebrities" you see on TV do not carry out research; their main aim is to earn money and get recognised.

Looking at Bigfoot research there is similar.  In 1967 Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin allegedly filmed a Bigfoot -nicknamed "Patty". Since that time people have lied about the incident and added details to the account and even faked evidence and created false analyses to prove it genuine. Also people have lied about the incident and added details to the account and even faked evidence and created false analyses to prove it fake. Over 50 years back and forth on the same story and piece of footage and...nothing. It has distracted from other reports.

If after four or five or even six decades the debunkers have not sent the "Classic" UFO cases down in flames they never will. We saw how Ted Bloecher and his companions gathered CE3K/AE reports and how the Lorenzens pushed the use of hypnosis and scopolamine (the "truth drug") to get passed the blocked memories of UFO percipients. At this point there were danger signs and who, having had a suspected abduction experience or who witnessed a UFO landing was going to rush forward to be pumped full of truth drug and be put under hypnosis? Even in 2022 there is a fear of hypnosis and many aspects of it based on TV shows, films and other entertainment -a fear that those involved might probe into more private memories.

Looking at the United States there were many landing incidents that were ignored by Ufologists. Reports in which the descriptions of entities match those in other cases from around the world. There were no investigations and the only records we have of these events are press clippings -twisted and added to for decades by people with something to sell. Kathy Reeves and the Reeves Farm events were never investigated and all sorts of excuses offered as to why they were not looked into.

Long time readers here (or anyone who purchased a copy of the publication) know the case that I am going to mention here; Euporia, Mississippi, 1973. Multiple witnesses plus witness(es) in a second vehicle, observed two UFOs. One hovered in the air while the other landed on the interstate and an entity briefly exited then re-entered the object and both UFOs flew off. Think about how important this case sounds. Multiple witnesses and all known by name. No investigation and no appeals put out through a very cooperative radio station.

The main witnesses were all black. 

Ted Bloecher asked the local investigators to follow the report up quickly and they promised to but never did. In fact all they did was try to jump in on cases involving white percipients. There is one simple reason why the cases (there were incidents involving black people at the same time and in the same area/state) were not looked into. Racism. Barney Hill is the most famous percipient and had he been by himself the fact that he was black would have meant it would have been an obscure and hardly mentioned case today.  Rev. Harrison Bailey is rarely mentioned though he pops up occasionally in Ufology and I dedicated a chapter to his case in Beyond UFO Contact.  

Then, of course, we had Budd Hopkins jump in and, honestly, I supported his work as was regularly updated on it. Then things fell apart and when John Mack joined in it seemed that the work might get some respectability and correct use of hypnosis where needed. Sadly, Mack died and the two men in Ufology who controlled the narrative and who were the trendy stars of the time with everyone including MUFON pimping them as much as possible were Hopkins and Jacobs and Carpenter who never achieved the Golden Boy stardom. Hopkins and Mack destroyed the serious investigation and research into CE3K/AE reports because they claimed that there was no such thing; all incidents were abductions that only they could handle and get to the bottom of. Science fantasy took over. If someone had gone through a standard CE3K or possible abduction it did not remain so for long. As Jacobs yells like an evangelical priest now "You never just saw a UFO -YOU WERE ABDUCTED!"

Ufology likes its trends and if they make money and bring in new members then the trend will be pushed until the subject is exhausted and no more money is pouring in. In the early days of digital cameras "Rods" were a big thing though they all turned out to be insects or other regular things. "Orbs" were another product of early digital cameras and even in 2022 buts of dust and insects captured recorded are hauled as "spirit energy" or "mini UFO probes" by people who know full well what they have recorded. The whole "Grey" story and the generational abductions schtick was a buck earner.  Now American Ufology is controlled by (once again) the U.S. intelligence community and "UAP" are the new thing.

I need to make it clear that I do not claim all "Grey" UFO abductions are psychological or altered state events. The Hills are, today, described as having been abducted by "Greys" -they were not. That is current Ufology rebooting its own history to try and create a false and sellable narrative. Looking at human history it can be proven that Jacobs claims (and he is an historian) are complete bunk. I have seen online UFO pages stating Walton was "abducted by Grey type aliens similar to those in the Betty and Barney Hill case" -the percipient names are factual and everything else is pure fantasy.

People who saw a UFO land and kept an eye on the duration of the sighting by the dashboard clock are told they have missing time when they don't and the abduction 'investigators' twist and turn the narrative until the witness actually believes that they are abductees. Now if you have an intelligent person who observes a UFO landing and entities emerge and then re-enter and the object takes off and then he/she checks the subject out and... not many sane people are going to subject themselves to the abuse of Jacobs and you may well ask why far more female claimed abductees are pushed than male ones? Because they can be used to follow the narrative created by Hopkins and perverted by Jacobs of women being kidnapped and then technologically raped, made pregnant and then have their babies stolen -by aliens. 

Male abductees basically get free masturbation sessions. Not as "human interest" as the female abductee.  Also, the conduct of these claimed researchers is unethical in the extreme and focussed on women.

I have had to ask myself many times just how many (alleged) genuine CE3K cases have been reported then perverted into something else via hypnosis? And how many such cases have gone unreported? I was once told by an American Ufologist that MUFON wanted any witness to a UFO landing checked to see if they would be "amenable" to believing they had been abducted and willing to undergo hypnotic regression. I asked what happened if the witness stood by their story and were unwilling to travel and undergo hypnosis? "They are filed away as "unreliable" and their unwillingness to undergo hypnosis proved it. Case closed."

The other factor here is that the main abduction 'researchers' have been shown for what they are and what they do including, in Carpenters case, selling what percipients thought were confidential files with all of their information to Robert Bigelow! The ladies at Liberty were told by Ufologists: "Talk to us or we go to the press" and...the Ufologists still went to the press for "financial reasons".  Look at how Ground Saucer watch and others tried to play Walton; offer him medical assistance for what he had just gone through and when he turns up make demands but there is no medical help.

Alleged (I know writing that keeps annoying people) percipients do not get rich (unless they come up with a series of sensationalist books, movie and get well paid for turning up for TV etc) but everyone makes money from the "latest show freak".

Ufology is not and never has been a science. "I can't explain that due to my limited knowledge therefore it has to be from another dimension!"  Ufology spends more time following a false narrative created by contactees, U.S. intelligence or other Ufologists with books to sell than actual research and that is why those in it follow the words of the Messenger of Deception Vallee -the "teflon Ufologist". Looking at Vallee's catalogue of UFO landings we see it contains reports known as hoaxes and misidentifications back in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s on but that catalogue has never been updated (rather like Flying Saucer Review refused to correct the record). There are many faults in Vallee's work and how he reports on cases in his books (yes, I have them) and yet no one in Ufology will question or point this out because he is Jacques Vallee the Godfather or elder statesman of Ufology ("and a scientist").

Someone who might think "Okay. That was not something from this Earth!" is about to be confronted by things they are not prepared for or, if they have researched what they saw, know about and are not going to fall into that trap.

Here is something that must be considered the absolute unbendable rule in cases of this type whether just an observed landing or possible "abduction"; the witness/percipient is the most important thing. Not a cash cow to slap under hypnosis and get what you can out of them for the next blog post or potential book or even TV interview. It is a double edged sword in many ways since, if it was not for outing people, we would not have known about the Hills or the Liberty threesome. If it was not for the fuss kicked up regarding Walton we might just be reading "a man claimed he went on board a UFO" and that is it. Gathering the information is important but not to the point that the human(s) involved are simply used because they have (allegedly) gone through an experience that totally shattered their world view and way of life and they have to come to terms with that and not be told "Well, you know Betty and Barney Hill...." followed by case details. They need to be reassured that they are not insane. They are probably not the first but there has to be a lot of listening and careful guidance so that, if they really need hypnotherapy due to physiological or psychological problems caused by the event they do not have their minds full of crap.

There is a Ufologist in the UK who at the hint of someone not remembering every second of a sighting/encounter rushes out with a tame hypnotherapist. When I was in communication with him he claimed to have "discovered" over 100 plus UFO abductions each month and "Some times more."

So what does he do with all of these abduction reports? He selects the best and then "re-write the accounts in my words so as to protect the person making the report" -I could sit here and churn out 'genuine' report after report. Quoting, on the internet, the actual persons account as they gave it is NOT going to identify them by name. But this is Ufology and any amount of faking can go on and be accepted as genuine -no peer review just, in my opinion, fakery. "Many thousands of accounts" stored on a computer (allegedly).

Can we really allow many genuine reports just vanish to go uninvestigated? Euporia, the Reeves case and many others will eventually be lost forever when the percipients and observers die. "If only" has no place in research. In 2022 people can be traced and they can be asked about what they saw. Even now MUFON will not even think about looking at the Euporia report which leaves a lot of questions to be asked of an organisation in which a lot of its directors are accused of many things and some even claim "possible" UFO abduction.

In France, Italy, Spain, Australia, Canada -in most countries these once "unacceptable" reports can be looked into before it is too late. Just one or two investigators in areas opening cold cases can achieve a great deal and provide a real data base of cases that can be studied or thrown out.

A bit of a ramble and I know no one bothers commenting so I just put this out there. As each day goes by I can see one report after another being lost.

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