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Sunday, 11 September 2022

UK May, 1976 Scarborough, Yorkshire

John Hanson & Dawn Holloway   Haunted Skies vol. 6.  pp. 77-78


Jan Molloy and her friend, Alison, were walking along the beach front, towards the pier after finishing work.  She told John hanson:

“It was dark, at the time. We were chatting together, when we heard a deafening, whirring, noise coming from directly above our heads. Looking upwards, we saw a cone-shaped object, about the size of a small aircraft, with a flashing bank of lights beneath it, illuminating the ground as it approached us.


“We thought it was going to crash, so we started running towards the Pier, noticing that although the noise was behind us, the lights had been extinguished.

The next thing that happened was we found ourselves frunning through an ancient churchyard as irf, somehow, we had been transported back into time. I vividly remember looking at the gravestones, which had an aged look about them.  I couldn’t understand what was happening.

“The locality was so unfamiliar to me.  As we ran along, I looked down and saw we were both wearing crinoline dresses, which made a ‘swishing’ noise as we moved along the path.  I could smell burning and had an impression that whatever it was that had been following us had landed nearby.

“I could hear Alison screaming and was aware of those coloured lights appearing through a swirling mist forming around us, before finding ourselves back on the beach wearing our normal clothes.  The next thing I heard was Alison screaming out to me, ‘There’s something beside you’.

“When I looked, there was nothing to be seen.  Although the whole episode had lasted for only ten to fifteen seconds, we were shocked to discover that three hours had elapsed during the experience –something we found very difficult to believe”.

Alison later told Hanson that she had seen a person in the churchyard “approximately six feet tall, thinly built, with a large head and three fingers on one hand”.


THS –it would be interesting to know whether Jan or Alison have recalled other aspects of the experience since Hanson interviewed them.


Up-dated 14th November 2018

Although this report yells out “possible UFO abduction” and it is extremely tempting to try to uncover what the percipient can recall without hypnosis in more detail, I have discussed the matter with John Hanson who was willing to approach the percipient and introduce me to here and proceed from there I have decided against this.

It took a great deal of soul searching because there are certain aspects that pique my interest. However, the second witness is not discussing the incident and if the percipient has had not problems –flash-backs or psychological regarding the event the question is: should I re-open a bad memory for her that might actually result in her facing stress?  

The event happened and she and, hopefully her friend, got on with their lives –no further incidents.  To open up possible bad memories or create stimuli that awakens buried memories for the percipient would be morally wrong. We would have a possible record of a one off event filed away while the percipient would have to struggle to come to terms with anything new revealed.

I will ask and see if the secondary percipient be named or contacted but tentatively list this case as puzzling but closed.

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