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Thursday, 15 September 2022

Update 15 09 2022: Sorting The Files and a brief note


 The Hynek Center for UFO Studies has the index cards of the HumCat (Humanoid Catalogue) compiled by Ted Bloecher and David Webb which goes up to the 1970s(? after all these years not all are scanned and available online).

I try to gather as many references to reports as possible and do not have an index card system the ones I keep for wildlife are too many as it is. Before the massive updating last year I was told that I had the largest file collection on this specific subject. I would like to think there was another SE$RIOUS researcher out there with similar.

There are those who produce basically listing books where they copy and paste reports from online along with all the usual false additions, inaccuracies, etc. and those people are only interested in ego and making money.

I wanted to save everything to USBs and send to CUFOS but after scanning 60 reports I realised that it would take a year or two to complete. My files will NOT be going to CUFOS either -can you imagine the postal charges on so many bulky files??

There was a suggestion that the AFU might be interested and at one time I had contemplated that. The problem is that they are a small voluntary group and I know they are way behind of scanning what they already have.

I would prefer the files to go to a UK archive and at one time the Bristol Central Library offered to take on important papers, however, Bristol City Council cannot be trusted to preserve files or anything for that matter -"costs have risen by 1p this year -dump it!"

Maybe in 2023 I need to start pushing myself after all these decades?


The United States CE3K/AE Lever Arch type folders were too awkward and clumsy so I have now divided them up into separate smaller folders:


Vol. 1 -1900 to 1949

Vol. 2 1950-1959

Vol. 3 1960-1969

Vol. 4 1970-1972

Vol. 5 1973 (bulky)

Vol. 6 1974-1979

Vol. 7 1980-


1980s has not been added to since the standard CE3K reports were ignored or dumped in favour of only abduction reports so 1980s sees the start of False Ufology in which Carpenter, Hopkins and Jacobs led everyone (willingly) down the Grey abductions path into a world of sci fi fantasy.

Despite appeals absolutely no one (not one of the many thousands who have read my two blogs since 2011) has come up to a link to a report of CE3K type case in the last 30+ years.


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